The vibrating is called "rumblestrutting" (rumbling while wiggling the bum). It is mild dominance behaviour for both genders although you often see it on a daily basis with some boars while only occasionally with sows, mainly during introductions or when they have a strong season.
With boars, it usually translates as "Look what a strapping lad I am!" When my various neutered boars do their motorized waggle dance with their neighbours (especially any new boars on the block), I call this a "boar haka". It is there to establish and reinforce their little territory; if sows were present, it was to impress them enough to choose him as their mate - in guinea pig society it is the girls' that choose which boar they want to live with, not the other way round.
There can be times when boars seem to only have two words in their vocabulary, rumblestrutting and food wheeking...
Boars generally hit the teenage hormones are around 4 months old. That is usually the time when the rumbling etc. goes up another gear or two.
You may find the first part of the first link and the list of dominance behaviour in the other thread helpful:
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs