Vibrating Pig

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
USA Illinois
My guinea pig, Pepper, vibrates when I hold her. It only goes on for the first few minutes I hold her, and then she stops, but she's vibrating like someone's cell phone does. Is it shivering? Is she just cold? Is she scared? Is she happy?
Please help!
Yoshi does it, and I actually think it's fear. Yoshi isn't totally tame yet. Machu stopped doing it months ago, and he's older and loves a cuddle now. So given that, I put it down to nervousness. It stops once they're used to being held.
Mine are all used to been held.

If they shake without a vibrating noise and they freeze (stay still) and wont take veg from you then yes i would say that was fear - but mine make a noise whilst vibrating and will also happily move around and eat veg.
when benson does it, it.s fear. He doesn.t like to be taken out of his cage and sometimes he vibrates just for half a minute or so til we have him smuggled in, then he makes his happy sounds and stops vibrating. Stan doesn.t vibrate at all - he is a very bold piggy that loves to lap time. Our cat was vibrating in fear on the vet's table last week. She felt the same as benson when he does it.
My Hamish does it when I handle him. I put it down to him being nervous as I haven't had him long.
This made me laugh out loud at my desk :))

It was the way you worded it haha.

Mine 'vibrate' when they are unsure of something & worried about it... Rodney has a thing about keys, he doesn't like the sound of keys jangling & this worries him & he makes a machine gun noise & vibrates.

I have to creep about when I'm about to shut the door! hahainbreeding
Vibrating - made me laugh also.

No, she's fine. She likes it, the first initial strokes that sets mine off or when I stroke them a certain way.

Cutie pies.
Fluffy does it when she is very cross with us - ie we are not quick enough to feed her or we dare to stroke her when we should be feeding her or if we speak to her instead of feeding her, you see the pattern emerging here.
My Toffee used to purr ('vibrate' :))) when I rubbed her back and would do her best chicken legs! So she was always happy when she did it.

Honey on the other hand only does it when she seems startled. Whenever there is a squeaky sound on the tv or if my phone goes off.

So maybe they do it for both? I'm not so sure. I do love the sound though, it's so cheeky.
Thanks for posting, everyone. Pepper doesn't like to take veggies from my hand when I hold her, so I suppose it's fear. I hold her every day, if not twice a day, so it should stop soon. Thanks again!
Mine vibrate as well! I don't know why either. Mine do it all the time even when they are happy. Maybe it is a normal thing. Maybe it could be fear? I'm not sure.
See, mine purr when they're playing together, and Machu sometimes does it when held... But if I'm understanding your description of the vibrating (in short little bursts, just like a phone is exactly how I'd describe it), that's a subtly different sort of noise. The purrs are slightly longer in duration, and produce a much more audible noise -- almost like a softer teeth chatter. The vibrations are more movement then sound, and just little bursts of shivering. Yes? Yoshi will take veg from me in the cage, but he won't take it when I'm holding him and he's vibrating this way.
Yes, the vibrations are not a sound or accompanied by a sound. It's like shivering. Pepper still vibrates, and I do think it might be fear, because she doesn't like being in large open spaces without me cuddling close to her.
Furby's vibrating is accompanied with a 'purring' sound. Much like a cat purring. I do hope it's because he's happy and not fear..?
Well, today I just gave my guinea pig a bath because she gets to a point where she's a little smelly and there's some stuff in her fur, and she was doing her vibrating thing then. But really, from others it sounds like it's fear and from others it sounds like it's happiness....maybe it could be both? They might vibrate when their scared and they might vibrate when they're happy! Is that possible?
Oh. what a coincidence! One of my piggies are called Pepper, and she vibrates sometimes too. It's generally when she's having a fuss made of her, and purring at the same time mean's she's practically in piggy bliss! :) However. if he/she won't do anything else but purr, he/she's scared, but if she'll lick you or take veg from you at the same time, then she's happy! :))
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