what are peopls thoughts on giving extra viatamin c to guinea pigs? Ive never given any supplimants to my guinea pigs, i just let them get their viatamin c from high viatamin c veggies. The vet i just went to told me this wasent right and that i should give oxbow viatamin c tablets everyday, and that theres no way guinea pigs could get enough viatamin c from veggitables. Is that right?
Guinea pigs get vitamin C through:
- fresh growing grass (which is high in vitamin C and the reason why they could switch of their vitamin C producing gene complex) and to some lesser degree hay and hay based products which is their main food source and adds up by virtue of making over 80% of their daily food intake.
- ANY veg and fresh herbs, not just those high in it
- pellets reinforced with vitamin C
- vitamin C reinforced formula products for guinea pigs that do not eat fully
It all adds up - vitamin C is in pretty much in any food that piggies eat and not just a in slice of pepper to two.
All we can say is that none of our own piggies have ever had a scurvy problem, with our personal experience reaching back in case half a century even though we do not supplement. This forum has been running for over 15 years with literally tens of thousands of piggies passing through, yet actual scurvy cases still only number in handfuls out of hundreds of thousands of threads.
The few scurvy cases that we see on here are mostly from owners persistently oversupplying with vitamin C, which means that the body accustoms to those higher than normal levels and tends to react with scurvy symptoms even though the vitamin C levels are actually still above normal. The other group are newly rescued neglect/malnutrition cases.
I once adopted a piggy with severe scurvy from malnutrition once she had been brought back to health and her dental issues had been dealt with (her companion was sadly not so lucky). Teggy lived another 5 years on a perfectly normal diet without extra vitamin C and passed away aged 6 from age related issues.
I hope that this helps you?