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Vetmedin Syrup Suspension: What Syrup?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
What is the syrup that is used for a suspension? Is it just 50:50 sugar water?

Fergie has a suspension of 5mg vetmedin in 10ml syrup as the referral vet (Sarah Pellet at Animates in Thurlby) prescribed for heart issues. My local vet has the vetmedin but aren't sure exactly what the "syrup" actually is. I'm pretty sure it's just 50:50 sugar water. Any ideas?

Ordered it last week specifically for today so can't wait for them to find out the ratio & dispense tomorrow when it's something I can confidently (& competently) do myself. Or, more accurately, when I have every faith that you know more than my local vet about these piggie matters!
I'm not too sure to be honest but I could find out if no one else knows. May not be today though. I have used Vetmedin but only in tablet form for my late Nigel. Is the Vetmedin in addition to an ACE inhibitor like Fortekor?
Hey Helen. He's on the lot: Frusol, Vetmedin, Benazepril & Zithromax (last dose today for pneumonia). If you could find out, that'd be brill (in case no-one else knows), thanks.
Apparently, the 5mg vetmedin is suspended in a 1:1 mixture of 5ml water and 5ml of a product called SYRUP BP that's available on pre-order from pharmacists. It takes about a fortnight to get the 2L bottle. Now, as Fergie has 0.35ml, of which 0.1ml is syrup BP, it'll be 20,000 doses. That's 27 years and 145 days.

We agreed that I'd just dilute it in 10ml water rather than suspend it in syrup!

And, in future, maybe change to 1/4 of a 1.25mg tablet (depending on the outcome of his forthcoming x-ray).
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