Vet Visits


New Born Pup
Jan 18, 2021
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Hey Everyone I really need help. I had a guinea pig pass from lymphoma and one week to the day another of my guinea pigs passed during a vet visit. She only went in because she wasn't eating and during the exam she just went limp and passed away while on the o2 in the office. He said it was from the stress of driving to the visit and the stress from the exam.

I have 8 other guinea pigs. 7 of them I've had since birth and they are 4 1/2 and I rescued one that we think is about 2.

After both dying so close I really wanted all 8 to be evaluated but I'm stuck between visit for all 8 or not. I have it scheduled already but I'm second guessing myself.

Should I take them?
If it will give you peace of mind to take them then I would go, I lost one last year to sudden heart failure and took her sister in a couple days later for a check over just in case.

I've several quite fragile piggies, a lot with chronic conditions or special needs and they cope extremely well going to the vet, some actually seem to enjoy it! I would say passing from the stress of a vet visit would be a very low risk, unless already very unwell/on the verge of passing. Going all together would reduce the stress as they would have the reassurance of their friends, I usually take mine on their own apart from my 2 lethal whites who rely heavily on each other for support and are otherwise quite fragile.

If it helps you can ask to wait in the car with your piggies until your appointment to avoid sitting in the waiting room with barking dogs etc. This should reduce some stress for them as well.
I am so sorry for our losses, it's so sad that one passed at the vets. Mine usually take trips to the vets quite well. I had one recently who had been lots of times before and not been stressed but this time he was terrified when I took him out of the carrier. The vet was lovely and let me sit with him quietly in a corner and calm him with strokes before she examined him. I don't know what stressed him so much as the vets have a separate quiet waiting room for small furries.
I can understand your fear of taking the others but I think having them checked over would be good for your peace of mind for now and in the future when you need to take one again.
Guinea pigs are such fragile little souls, I am so sorry for your losses.

I recommend you take them in at least pairs, I'm not sure of your setup but having a friend close by can be a very comforting thing for a sick guinea pig or a piggie going on a trip.
If not that is okay, it is something I would recommend in the future and if you do take multiple at once that is good and I personally would recommend continuing to do it.

It may likely have been an upsetting coincidence but I can totally understand the worry. Realistically they should be okay, especially if they're all going at once but please do what is best for you and if it is too much now and none of your piggies are showing signs of being ill you could take a break for yourself and reschedule another time. But on the contrary I would also say getting them checked and showing that you and the pigs can do it would also be peace of mind and stop those horrible catastrophizing thoughts.

Keeping you in my thoughts x
I'm so sorry for your loss. Guinea pigs can certainly pass quickly sometimes... I don't think that anything the vet did would have exacerbated an issue that wasn't already there. I'm thinking that the not eating was a sign of an underlying serious issue and she likely would have passed around that time either way. I've had some really, REALLY sick pigs get through a vet visit only to pass later on that evening, I really don't think that it's anything you could have predicted or prevented.

I agree with others that is may be less stressful to bring a friend (or bunch of friends) to an exam for moral support. I've taken pigs to the vet solo and also as part of a pair and I think the car ride at least was less stressful in a pair. Hope this helps a bit!