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Vet Visit Time

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Canada, British Columbia, Maple Ridge
I think its time I take my 4 boys and 2 girls to the vet there fine but they seem to be scratching and itching themselves a lot and my one pig has always had skin isssues so I think its time just to make sure, do you think I should or am I just being paranoid? :mal: Because sometimes I tend to go crazy worrying about my pets.
If you are thinking about taking them then you think there may be something wrong, always trust your piggy intuition. Hopefully it will be nothing but it pays to catch skin issues early on. Any flaky skin or dandruff? I would book an appointment. Please let us know how they get on.
There is some dandruff but like I said my one boy has always had skin problems, mostly they look and act fine but I think ill make an appointment maybe for the weekend I'm taking them two at a time so ill take Hodgins (the one with the dandruff) and Blitz to the vet first cause they seem to be the worst off.
There is some dandruff but like I said my one boy has always had skin problems, mostly they look and act fine but I think ill make an appointment maybe for the weekend I'm taking them two at a time so ill take Hodgins (the one with the dandruff) and Blitz to the vet first cause they seem to be the worst off.
A good idea, lots of vibes sent
Lots of vibes! It can be just dry skin from increased heating in the colder weather that we are currently having, but it is better to make sure and to make sure that they get the right treatment.
Yea I agree my parents think I'm crazy cause I just took my rabbit to the vet cause she seemed to be cleaning herself a lot but as it turns out she was all fine and perfectly normal the vet told me to just brush her more i guess it makes sence cause she is a purebred lionhead.
I would have at least your two iffiest boys checked to get an idea what is going on. Better safe than sorry! ;)
yea I'm going to get hodge and blitzer checked out and then gilbert and smudge my other boys, the girls seem to be fine so I'm not going to worry about them to much ill update you guys and let you know whats what after i take them to the vet.
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