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Vet Visit for Moo: Wound and Enlarged Vulva/Anus

A Guinea Pig

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 18, 2023
Reaction score
Colorado, United States
When I first got Moo she had a slight scab on her shoulder, I thought little of it considering how minuscule it was (I assumed it would heal right back up). I was busy the last two days so when I picked her up to check on the two sisters I noticed the scab had broken and had gotten around 6 times larger. Not to mention the area around her anus and vulva had become enlarged, scabbed, and dirty.

I called my usual vets today. They did not have any availability for a week so my only option was a Banfield in a Petsmart. The soonest appointment was with an exotic vet that hour.

They gave me Enrofloxacin in syringes that were filled to .15 mls. I am to give one every 12 hours until the problematic area is gone.

Do I know what it is? No. But, it is supposed to stop the cut from becoming infected and clear up her private area. I was also told to keep her away from the other guinea pigs until then. She is in a 2x4 C&C next to the other piggies for now.

The vet said they were going to shave her wound, but they never ended up doing that...

I've attached some pictures for a bit of perspective on what is happening. IMG_9705.webpIMG_9646.webp
I’m sorry to hear this.

Have you got an appointment booked with your preferred vet?
Have you not given any pain relief for her?
Is her weight stable?
Is she peeing and pooping?

I personally would not be separating her from her friends for long at all - a couple of hours at most if you need to monitor poop and pee.
We do not recommend medical separations due to the issues they can cause (increased stress and potential damage to bonds)
I’m sorry to hear this.

Have you got an appointment booked with your preferred vet?
Have you not given any pain relief for her?
Is her weight stable?
Is she peeing and pooping?

I personally would not be separating her from her friends for long at all - a couple of hours at most if you need to monitor poop and pee.
We do not recommend medical separations due to the issues they can cause (increased stress and potential damage to bonds)

Thank you for the help @Piggies&buns.

I have not scheduled an appointment with the regular vet, but I will do that now since it has been mentioned.

She has no pain relief from the vet I took her to. From what I can tell, it’s not overly painful to her since she never hunched up or made noises when urinating nor did she complain at all when I took pictures for this post. I obviously can't tell what she is feeling and assume it is pretty uncomfortable though. I do have Metacam from my last piggy with CBS. It was never opened and is nowhere near the expiration date. Would that be something I could call the vet about it and ask to give her? Sorry if that's a stupid question. I should have inquired about pain medications.

Her weight is stable, I've been weighing her every day and it's only changing by around 15 grams which is good.

She is also peeing and pooping normally. Pee is slightly milky and dries orange. Her poops are also the same size as her sisters and are well-formed. She also has no reduced levels of energy.

I did put her back with the other piggies after a day, I thought it was quite strange to keep them separated.
Her privets look better, the scab is gone now.

This scab has shrunken and is not open anymore.

How long do people usually give Baytril for? I was told to give it until everything is healed up. What if three weeks pass by though or it's healed up in a week?

That’s so good to read and see 🥰
Moo is such a gorgeous piggy
I understand Baytril is usually given for 10-14 days and as everything has healed so well I’d give your Vet a phone call to check
I’ve attached a link about a probiotic that I was advised to give for about 3 weeks - Pro C is a powder and just sprinkled over veggies
It’ll restore Moo’s good gut bacteria
Such a sweet girl ❤️
Baytril is normally given in a specific length course - I’ve had pigs on it for as short 3 days for a very minor bite wound (my two troublesome boys had a fight and injured each others) it was more preventative really, or as long as two weeks. It really depends on what the vets findings were.
Give them a call and get them to clarify.

Benebac is the probiotic more commonly available in the US.
View attachment 262818
Her privets look better, the scab is gone now.

View attachment 262819
This scab has shrunken and is not open anymore.

How long do people usually give Baytril for? I was told to give it until everything is healed up. What if three weeks pass by though or it's healed up in a week?


You have to distinguish between standard courses for common minor infections (usually a week to build up to full efficiency) and on the job treatment for ongoing set-in problems that take their own time healing but a vet considers the seriousness and time it will take with both dosage and length of prescription (as well as possible interactions and side effects with other medications) when prescribing, not just the body weight, age and fitness of your piggies. This is a large part of their training that we are usually not aware of but it is crucial.

Every medication comes in a bandwidth of use for any species and your vet has to work out the best band. I would recommend to give the baytril a bit longer until the second scab has come off and it is all clean and healthy underneath but I would not have any infection worries. It looks all good and normal for the healing process to me.

I woke up to this. I gave her Bene-Bac last night after seeing @Roselina and @Piggies&buns post. Her poop is crazy soft. She seemed perfect last night. I'll pause on the veggies until it gets back to normal and keep giving her the probiotic, that happened really quickly. I've also got Emeraid and Child’s Life Vit C I can give her as well.

Already cleaned her up but I guess I get to wait a day and see if she needs another immediate vet visit. 😥
Oh dear poor girl.
Yes remove veg and give the probiotic. If things don’t settle, speak to the vet.
As you most likely are aware, antibiotics affect the gut bacteria and can cause this kind of issue but if it is excessive and diarrhoea like then do speak to the vet straight away.
You’re already doing the weight checks and are prepared to step in with feeding is she isn’t eating enough.

If you give vit c supplement, ensure it is given for no longer than two weeks as an immune system booster.

I hope she is ok
Oh no I’m so sad to read this ,it’s made me cry for her
She was such a sweet piggy
Look after yourself and Opal as you grieve
My heart sank when I read this.
I am so very sorry for your loss of lovely Moo.
Holding you in my heart ♥️
I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending you a gentle hug. Sleep tight beautiful Moo 🌈