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Vet to neuter in Coventry


New Born Pup
Jun 16, 2020
Reaction score
Hi everyone.

Recently one of our dear piggies passed away overnight leaving just his friend Sebastian (agouti) on his own. I am thinking of getting him neutered so he can live with a female or two as he’s a bit of a boisterous lad so not sure how well he’d bond with another boy. Does anyone have any vet recommendations in or around Coventry that perform neutering operations on guinea pigs? Our usual vet does not perform these operations.



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So sorry you lost one if your boys 🌈

If you are prepared to travel a little further to Northampton, Simon or Kim Maddock a very experienced with all Guinea pig surgery, they are at The Cat and Rabbit Clinic and two of the very best vets For guinea pigs in the UK

Good luck, hope you can find a little friend for Sebastian
Hi everyone.

Recently one of our dear piggies passed away overnight leaving just his friend Sebastian (agouti) on his own. I am thinking of getting him neutered so he can live with a female or two as he’s a bit of a boisterous lad so not sure how well he’d bond with another boy. Does anyone have any vet recommendations in or around Coventry that perform neutering operations on guinea pigs? Our usual vet does not perform these operations.


I am very sorry for your loss.

Medivet are the vets to see in Coventry but they are not keen about operating on piggies and they don't do any piggy dentals.

However, I take my own piggies needing operations (including several boars for neutering over the years) to the Cat & Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton if they take new clients again. They are by far the best operating vets for the region and well worth the trip.
I just had my two home born brothers Baeddan and Brangwyn (from a pregnant rescue sow) neutered there in March as soon as they were old enough, so they are each living with their own girls now. Baeddan with his half-sister and Brangwyn with a widowed middle-aged pair of sows. They were both eating straight away after the operation and had a very smooth and unproblematic recovery. Simon has as as close to a 100% success rate in neutering as a vet can get to.

All the best.

For contact details: Recommended Guinea Pig Vets
For more information on neutering operations: Neutering operations: Considerations, post-op care and complications and a successful recovery example

I am very sorry for your loss.

Medivet are the vets to see in Coventry but they are not keen about operating on piggies and they don't do any piggy dentals.

However, I take my own piggies needing operations (including several boars for neutering over the years) to the Cat & Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton if they take new clients again. They are by far the best operating vets for the region and well worth the trip.
I just had my two home born brothers Baeddan and Brangwyn (from a pregnant rescue sow) neutered there in March as soon as they were old enough, so they are each living with their own girls now. Baeddan with his half-sister and Brangwyn with a widowed middle-aged pair of sows. They were both eating straight away after the operation and had a very smooth and unproblematic recovery. Simon has as as close to a 100% success rate in neutering as a vet can get to.

All the best.

For contact details: Recommended Guinea Pig Vets
For more information on neutering operations: Neutering operations: Considerations, post-op care and complications and a successful recovery example
Thank you both, may I ask if you remember how much it cost? Just weighing up a few options but it sounds like this is the best bet. It’s actually only 50mins from me so not bad at all 😊
Thank you both, may I ask if you remember how much it cost? Just weighing up a few options but it sounds like this is the best bet. It’s actually only 50mins from me so not bad at all 😊
It's about the same distance from us. Make sure that you give yourself extra time for the M1.

Unfortunately, I can't remember exactly since I had booked several consultation slots in a row for piggies of mine, so it was one big bill. I think it was around £150 but you will have to enquire at the clinic.
You pay a lot more for other operations. The clinic uses isoflurane for GA which is much better tolerated by piggies and makes for a much smoother recovery but is more expensive. They are however by far not the most expensive of vet clinics although not the cheapest, either.

Beti (Betty, on the left) and Begw ('Peggy',on the right) with their newly bonded hubby Brangwyn 'White Raven' 6 weeks after the op.

And his brother Baeddan 'Boar' on the same day with his 6 weeks older half-sister (or auntie) Blodyn 'Flower' on the left.

The positive operation example at the end of of the neutering guide is my Nye 'Noble' (2016-22), a baby adoptee companion for a boar of mine. Nye was also done at the C&R once he was old enough and found the mutual love of his life with Hyfryd - he was my then smallest boar and she my biggest sow - after Nosgan's passing.

I am very happy to use Medivet for any emergencies/pts and routine issues (the closest branch is only 10-15 minutes from us) but I use the C&R for operations and any specialist examinations. Just been at Medivet today after my Dryw somehow managed to get a hay poke in each eye...

All the best!
I would definely use Simon or Kim for the neuter. I cannot remember now how much I paid, it was back in 2020 for my old boy Ted, he was 5 years old when he was neutered after losing his brother but he absolutely sailed through the op

Good luck