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Vet Prescribed Wrong Dose?!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
I'm just back from the vets with stanley and luna.
Luna - respiratory issue
Stanley - possible UTI

i went to a new vet as an emergency appt for Luna.
He was new.
He prescribed baytril 2.5% solution,
He prescribed Luna 0.8ml once daily
and Stanley 1ml once daily?

This has got to be too much isnt it?

Edit: Luna weighs 1kg
Stanley 1,2 kg

What has made me wonder about the baytril is because he prescribed a 12kg dose of metacam daily for stanley and I KNOW thats wrong.
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Clyde was given 0.50 ml/s of the 2.5% Baytril solution for his abscess three days in a row, but he weighed under a kilo. He was also given Metacam; 0.05 ml.
Certainly 1 ml does sound too much. Perhaps you can get a second opinion? Maybe he just mis-spelled the Metacam dosage and it should have read 1/2 (half) ml or 0.50 ml?
Hope this helps.
@Wiebke and @Abi_nurse will know better.
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I just phoned them, they got a second opinion, and said the baytril is fine, but the metacam was wrong and that luna should get 4 drops and stanley 5...which i knew anyway.
But I'm still too scared to give such a high dose of baytril. I feel really uneasy about it. I've never given a pig that big a dose.

God, I hate when my vets off.

Thanks guys. x
@7squeakers. was clyde prescribed 0.5ml once daily?

When cokes was sick and weighed about 670g, she was prescibed 0.14 twice daily (so 0.28 ml in total)
So stanley is nearly double her weight and he's being prescribed 1ml daily........it doesnt make sense to me. about 0.6ml max would make more sense?

oh i don't know, i hope someone replies soon. lol.
Clyde had his Baytril (0.50 ml) and Metacam (0.05 ml) on Monday evening, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. One dose a day. Wednesday evening he died.
Baytril (an anti-biotic) is known for suppressing the appetite. You may need to hand-feed to keep the guts working. f you use Critical Care, a pro-biotic, wait at least one hour after the Baytril has been administered.
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I just phoned them, they got a second opinion, and said the baytril is fine, but the metacam was wrong and that luna should get 4 drops and stanley 5...which i knew anyway.
But I'm still too scared to give such a high dose of baytril. I feel really uneasy about it. I've never given a pig that big a dose.

God, I hate when my vets off.

Thanks guys. x

The dose of baytril is correct. They are going as high as they can with an abscess.
Thank you so much! PHEW! I was stressing out my nut. God, I'm glad i'm on this forum sometimes. x
i was going to say that the baytril sounds ok to me, but the 4-5 drops of metacam is very low, especially for those conditions and the amount of swelling there could be.
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