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Hello! :)

I took Caramel to the vet yesterday as i was concerned that the lady who had her before me had left her and Phil together after the baby piggies were born (I don't think all the time, but not 100% sure on that! possibly on and off) for nearly 4 weeks!

I have had her for about 3 weeks now and i dont know if it was becuase i am being over cautious or trying to see things that are not there, but i wanted to know whether or not she was carrying little caramels!

So... i took her to the vet and he felt her tummy and then said that 'Piggies only carry their babies for 3-4 weeks, so would have had them by now if she was pregnant'

er... i mentioned to him that i thought the gestation period was nearer 2.5months... but he seemed to disagree... so... told me that he did not think she was pregnant as he couldn't feel anything and as he said previously she would have had them by now...

not really knowing what to say i just took Caramel and paid the £15 for the clearly incorrect advice... :tickedoff:

the reason i wanted to know was becuase i wanted to make sure that i was feeding her correctly if she was carrying babies!...

Now... seeing as we all know that the gestation is more like 2.5 months would he have felt anything at just 3-4 weeks through a pregnancy? or is he right and she is 'not pregnant' (due to him thinking that the gestation was nearer a month 98)) eeeek!

Any advice as to what i should do in this situation would be greatly appreciated! all advice welcome! :smitten:
i would suggest taking her to another vet and weishing you luck! until you know feed her more veggies. please keep us posted. sending hugs and cuddles :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* :smitten: :smitten:
has there been a weight gain or any reason to make you believe she might be pregnant?" :smitten: O0
plenty of veggies just incase. I am in the same position as i thought all my sows were pregnant (but one clearly in season today and they other not putting on a lot, so only 2 i am worried about) my vet said at 5 weeks she would be able to feel the baby/babies but just to wait and see if i feel kicking. I'd be trying to find another vet who knows more about piggies. Also i'd be writing a letter stating the info you know about gestation. xx
thanks guys!i think that i should write a letter or talk to the vet again and explain that i was not happy with the answer that he gave me.. i will weigh her today and see if there is any weight gain over the next week or so... will def keep you posted!

the only reason i thought she may be is becuase she looked like she was a lot bigger than my other pigs who are older - and also because hte lady i had her from said that there was a possiblity that she could be... eeek! xx
Well we will all keep our fingers crossed for her. I'd be writing the letter as a vet (even if they aren't a guines pig specialist) should no the gestation period. Good luck with her. keep us posted. x
i think i will send them a page from my guineapiglopedia! feel quite cross lol clearly they need it more than me! will keep a close eye on her and feed her some more calcuim based veg... just in case!

I'm not surprised yor cross i would be fuming :tickedoff:, definately write a letter of complaint and state that if they cant give you correct diagnosis they should not be taking your money off you. Yes you are correct its about 10 weeks they are pregnant for, i would give her a little extra veg and plenty of hay in case. I wouldnt advise weighing her all the time cos if she is pregnant to need to hold her as little as possible cos you may stress her out and she may miscarrige, and you dont want anything happening to her internally. If she is pregnant in a couple of weeks if you place her hands under her belly you should feel movement,at about 7 weeks her bones will start to split trace your finger down her spine and at the end near her bottom you will feel if her bones are splitting, when you can get a finger between the bones the birth can happen at any time. Wish you luck, you have a right to be crossed. love sue
i know it is ridiculous like you go to your vet for profesional haelp and they dnt even no.
Woudnt his be explained in vet training seriously this is just stupid.
Hope everthing goes well.
Anz x
cheers guys! will keep an eye on her, when she lays down she seems enormous but when she is just running about she is quite streamlined... very odd! will not handle her unless absolutley necessary for the next couple of weeks and feel her belly gently to see if there is any movement... eeek! still very cross with the vet though, think i will have to have a ring round to find some decent ones in this area... will see how it goes! if anyone has any suggestions for piggie vets in Eastbourne and areas about 10 miles outside of it (i'm about 8 miles from Eastbourne), then please let me know! Grr!

Will keep you updated... scary stuff! x :smitten:
I once took a piggy to the vet regarding pregnancy and that vet said "well, as they are only pregnant for a month or so then you would know by now" and I was like "er, no!" and I refused to see that vet again.
I was meant to see her but when she came to the waiting room and shouted our name I said out loud "no, I'm seeing John".
She looked so put out and hurt and I felt bad, but she messed it up so badly the last time Id saw her, I wasnt about to let her again.
I did see John and he confirmed the pregnancy and knew everything about piggies, in fact his exact words on piggies were "they are just the perfect pet arent they, I love piggies".
He admitted that they dont really cover guinea pigs in training but that he did the extra research and that whenever he doesnt quite know what he is needed to know, he researches it and only then does he feel that he can give the correct answers and advice.
If only all vets were like John.
Well, I hope that you get your confirmation soon and if she IS pregnant, that its an easy pregnancy and birth.
I would definately print out 2-3 different articles about piggy pregnancy and send them to that vet...maybe if they actually see it from a few different places, they will wise up and ammend their advice.
Good luck.
xx Steph xx
thats a good plan! got a few books etc will photocopy a few pages from them.. they clearly need the info more than me! lol x :-*
Well its like Kylie Minogue said recently - "because someone is in a white coat and using big medical instruments doesn’t necessarily mean they are right.â€
The same goes for vets.
If you took just one piece in they would still maybe dismiss it but if you photocopy the pages from a few different books and state the authors names and the names of the books then they cant really argue about it.
xx Steph xx
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