Vet/carrying Worry Update

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
I did it! I got Barnaby and Barlow in their carrier in 5 minutes! And then I felt bad that they were in there for longer than necessary as I thought it would take me a lot longer than that to catch them!

The vets trip was for nail clipping and to check for mites. She couldn't see any mites on either of them and said that for doing it for precaution when she couldn't see anything in her opinion wasn't worth it.

Promising news was that she thought Barnaby in particular may enjoy a cuddle and that I should go ahead with lap time 5 mins twice a day. Barlow is the more skittish of the two and she said he did struggle a little but he stayed still long enough for her to give him a kiss lol

I feel like today has given me more confidence, hopefully it has given the boys a little more confidence in me too.
I'm really pleased that your vet visit has given you some re-assurance and confidence. It also sounds like the vet was keen on piggies if she gave him a kiss! Which always helps. It's far more reassuring when you can see them easily handling them.

They will co.e around, you have not had them all that long. Just persevere, keep interactions small but often. Just sitting and talking to them can help win them over :)
I'm glad it went well! Keep up with lap time, they will get used to being held with practice, just like anything else!
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