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Very stressed about GP with diarrhea


New Born Pup
Apr 26, 2022
Reaction score

First of all thank you to anyone who any/all of this!....

A little bit of background, I have three guinea pigs; 2 sows and 1 neutered boar that I got from a wonderful local rescue. On the Friday just gone one of my girls had to have an abscess surgically removed (which I was stressed about because of the anaesthetic...) And since then my make guinea pig had increasingly loose stools ( so begun two days without veggies). Upon awakening on Sunday morning I found had literally turned to brown water just leaking out if him! 😔 I weighed him and he was 125g down compared two weeks ago. I phoned the emergency vets (at my usual vet practice, which is the best vets in the Region I live in luckily) and for him booked in and brought him down straight away.
The vet said it was very difficult to say what's causing the diarrhea but said could be internal parasites so have me two medicines to treat common parasites to give him daily for 3-5 days each. She also gave me critical care powder, gave him a jab of fluids and a jab of painkillers and told me to continue with the probiotics powder I'd bought him from pets at home.

3 days on (now Tues) his poo is still like wet mud and he has lost another 100g 😔 he is still separate from his girlies as he is soiling things so fast (I'm doing a washload everyday just for him).

I've managed to get the meds down him but the critical care is near impossible, I've tried a few different holds and one works better than others but I can tell he is so uncomfortable and super stressed and I get a few ml down him at best. I'm trying about 5 times a day with the critical care (the best I can manage around work etc.) And am also giving his underside a wash daily too as he keeps getting in a mess. I tried giving him 'poo soup' from my healthy girl so will see if that can do anything too.

I feel stupid as it's only been three days but already feel like it's all so much and am struggling! Feel like I'm failing majorly with the critical care but it is honestly just so challenging for so many reasons. And the constant soiling, cleaning, handwashing and worrying about the other pets I have getting what he has is overwhelming.

I'm meant to be going on a cruise at the end of the week which is only adding to the stress, all my piggies will be boarding with the resuce I got them from so I know they will be in safe hands but feel like I'm just palming the responsibility off one someone else and adding to the stress of the poor lady running the rescue!

I'm thinking of booking another appointment with the vets for tommorrow or Thursday but feel like I'm being impatient but I would of thought he should've at least stabilised weight or seen some greater improvement in his poos/mood by now...?

Literally any input or comments or suggestions from anyone would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much for listening/reading!

First of all thank you to anyone who any/all of this!....

A little bit of background, I have three guinea pigs; 2 sows and 1 neutered boar that I got from a wonderful local rescue. On the Friday just gone one of my girls had to have an abscess surgically removed (which I was stressed about because of the anaesthetic...) And since then my make guinea pig had increasingly loose stools ( so begun two days without veggies). Upon awakening on Sunday morning I found had literally turned to brown water just leaking out if him! 😔 I weighed him and he was 125g down compared two weeks ago. I phoned the emergency vets (at my usual vet practice, which is the best vets in the Region I live in luckily) and for him booked in and brought him down straight away.
The vet said it was very difficult to say what's causing the diarrhea but said could be internal parasites so have me two medicines to treat common parasites to give him daily for 3-5 days each. She also gave me critical care powder, gave him a jab of fluids and a jab of painkillers and told me to continue with the probiotics powder I'd bought him from pets at home.

3 days on (now Tues) his poo is still like wet mud and he has lost another 100g 😔 he is still separate from his girlies as he is soiling things so fast (I'm doing a washload everyday just for him).

I've managed to get the meds down him but the critical care is near impossible, I've tried a few different holds and one works better than others but I can tell he is so uncomfortable and super stressed and I get a few ml down him at best. I'm trying about 5 times a day with the critical care (the best I can manage around work etc.) And am also giving his underside a wash daily too as he keeps getting in a mess. I tried giving him 'poo soup' from my healthy girl so will see if that can do anything too.

I feel stupid as it's only been three days but already feel like it's all so much and am struggling! Feel like I'm failing majorly with the critical care but it is honestly just so challenging for so many reasons. And the constant soiling, cleaning, handwashing and worrying about the other pets I have getting what he has is overwhelming.

I'm meant to be going on a cruise at the end of the week which is only adding to the stress, all my piggies will be boarding with the resuce I got them from so I know they will be in safe hands but feel like I'm just palming the responsibility off one someone else and adding to the stress of the poor lady running the rescue!

I'm thinking of booking another appointment with the vets for tommorrow or Thursday but feel like I'm being impatient but I would of thought he should've at least stabilised weight or seen some greater improvement in his poos/mood by now...?

Literally any input or comments or suggestions from anyone would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much for listening/reading!

I am very sorry. Your piggy has obviously got a serious issue but your vet's medication is also quite obviously not working.

The next step would be lab tests to find what is causing the problem exactly; unfortunately, that may not be very quick, not helped by the upcoming long bank holiday weekend.
Please contact your vet tomorrow for an urgent appointment. Your boy may also need subcutaneous rehydration by now.

Try to get hold of electrolyte powder from the pharmacy; it is not half as effective as sub-q fluids but it may help with perking him up a little. Lack of food will also result in promoting apathy on top of him feeling truly wretched.

Could you please tell us what medication he has been put on?
I am linking our member most experienced in that area as to whether they can give you further avenues to pursue.
I am very sorry. Your piggy has obviously got a serious issue but your vet's medication is also quite obviously not working.

The next step would be lab tests to find what is causing the problem exactly; unfortunately, that may not be very quick, not helped by the upcoming long bank holiday weekend.
Please contact your vet tomorrow for an urgent appointment. Your boy may also need subcutaneous rehydration by now.

Try to get hold of electrolyte powder from the pharmacy; it is not half as effective as sub-q fluids but it may help with perking him up a little. Lack of food will also result in promoting apathy on top of him feeling truly wretched.

Could you please tell us what medication he has been put on?
I am linking our member most experienced in that area as to whether they can give you further avenues to pursue.
Thank you for all of that Info, and for the reassurance that I'm not getting myself unecssecarily stressed/worked up, that it is a bad situation still.

The medications he was given by the vet were:

Baycox- 0.2ml for 3 days (he has just finished this course yesterday)
Panacur- 0.3ml for 5 days

I will phone this morning to see if I can get him booked in before or after work today
I hope your piggy is feeling better soon. You are doing a great job. It is very stressful helping a sick piggy. Good luck at the vets. I’m sure the lady at the rescue is used to medicating and feeding poorly pigs. 🤗
I hope your piggy is feeling better soon. You are doing a great job. It is very stressful helping a sick piggy. Good luck at the vets. I’m sure the lady at the rescue is used to medicating and feeding poorly pigs. 🤗
Thank you for your kind words xx yes it's really stressful, feels so intense! 😔 Have got him booked in at vets again at 4:45 today
Thank you for all of that Info, and for the reassurance that I'm not getting myself unecssecarily stressed/worked up, that it is a bad situation still.

The medications he was given by the vet were:

Baycox- 0.2ml for 3 days (he has just finished this course yesterday)
Panacur- 0.3ml for 5 days

I will phone this morning to see if I can get him booked in before or after work today

Panacur is usually effective against any parasites in the gut. Baycox is specifically against coccidiosis.

Good that you are seeing the vet again since there is no improvement and your boy is in a very bad way.

It is the kind of nightmare that none of us ever wants to deal with. All you can do is hang in there, do your best and hope that you can get your piggy through the crisis when you are really up against it as you clearly are. You are doing that. The rest is out of your hands.

Panacur is usually effective against any parasites in the gut. Baycox is specifically against coccidiosis.

Good that you are seeing the vet again since there is no improvement and your boy is in a very bad way.

It is the kind of nightmare that none of us ever wants to deal with. All you can do is hang in there, do your best and hope that you can get your piggy through the crisis when you are really up against it as you clearly are. You are doing that. The rest is out of your hands.

Thank you Wiebke!

Good to know exactly what the medications are supposed to be for specifically.

Had a bit of a breakdown yesterday but have picked myself back up and we carry on today! Thanks for the reassurance, very much appreciated x

He had lost a little less weight than I had thought from weighing him at home compared to what vet said was on their records so though down, not as drastically down which was a relief. As of last night/this morning his poo, though still soft is at least somewhat resembling little clumps/pellets. Vet said though she understands he is still not acting fully himself he is recovering and I'm doing ok. She said whatever upset his tummy was very strong/quite violent so it will be a little slower for him to be back to his full self. I have some extra critical care and thanks to videos on YouTube have found one hold that works for me and can get a little more down him. Fingers crossed he can go back in with his girlfriends at the weekend. Thanks so much everyone for your kind and informative comments it has really helped make this stressful time a bit easier! X