Very strange baby pig


New Born Pup
Dec 7, 2022
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Hi, I have a new baby sow, I've had her for around 1 month so she is about 3-4 months old.

Shes very wierd. Not as in "oh my pet is so weird and cut" but as in wierd wierd. My current 2 year old sow and my other one who was put to sleep were nothing like her so it could he her personality is just massively different.

1. Shes incredibly erratic and clumsy, VERY high energy levels. So much so I believe she tries to move too quickly then she's physically able, so she falls over and does alot of side rolly polys lots of times a day, sniff the air so much she actually falls back onto her back. She runs into everything. She also likes to run round in circles.

2. She has no fear, no cautiousness, never shows any signs of being shy or timid. Even when I first got her, she was never afraid. I didn't need to 'socialise' her, she'd eat right out of my hand, never ran away from me, new/loud noises. She likes me to make her fly in the small dust pan.

3. She eats wierd. She mostly eats nuggets, although her hay intake is improving. She doesn't get excited about frsh veg, it's touch and go if she eats it, although everything so far she's tried she seems to like. She also seems to get food stuck inside her mouth somehow although she eventually sorts it out.

4. She rarely makes noise. I've probably only heard her a handful of times. She doesn't wheek.

She had a health check when I first got her and she was given the all clear.

Now, I'd be concerned if this was new behaviour but she's been like this since day 1. She seems like a very happy/easily excited girl. Is she just wierd or has she got something neurological wrong? Can guinea pigs have mental issues like ADHD or something? 😅
Hi, I have a new baby sow, I've had her for around 1 month so she is about 3-4 months old.

Shes very wierd. Not as in "oh my pet is so weird and cut" but as in wierd wierd. My current 2 year old sow and my other one who was put to sleep were nothing like her so it could he her personality is just massively different.

1. Shes incredibly erratic and clumsy, VERY high energy levels. So much so I believe she tries to move too quickly then she's physically able, so she falls over and does alot of side rolly polys lots of times a day, sniff the air so much she actually falls back onto her back. She runs into everything. She also likes to run round in circles.

2. She has no fear, no cautiousness, never shows any signs of being shy or timid. Even when I first got her, she was never afraid. I didn't need to 'socialise' her, she'd eat right out of my hand, never ran away from me, new/loud noises. She likes me to make her fly in the small dust pan.

3. She eats wierd. She mostly eats nuggets, although her hay intake is improving. She doesn't get excited about frsh veg, it's touch and go if she eats it, although everything so far she's tried she seems to like. She also seems to get food stuck inside her mouth somehow although she eventually sorts it out.

4. She rarely makes noise. I've probably only heard her a handful of times. She doesn't wheek.

She had a health check when I first got her and she was given the all clear.

Now, I'd be concerned if this was new behaviour but she's been like this since day 1. She seems like a very happy/easily excited girl. Is she just wierd or has she got something neurological wrong? Can guinea pigs have mental issues like ADHD or something? 😅


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She is gorgeous. If anything medical has been ruled out I would say she is just excitable! I have a young boar (5-6 months ish) who is all feet and ears at the moment. He dashes around shrieking at the top of his voice, bangs into his step stools he has as hideys and falls over his own feet. I'm hoping he doesn't calm down too much as he ages, he is so entertaining.
She is gorgeous. If anything medical has been ruled out I would say she is just excitable! I have a young boar (5-6 months ish) who is all feet and ears at the moment. He dashes around shrieking at the top of his voice, bangs into his step stools he has as hideys and falls over his own feet. I'm hoping he doesn't calm down too much as he ages, he is so entertaining.
Is it bad that I hope she grows out of it? 😅 I'm forever worried she will do damage to herself or I'm missing something health wise. She's an absalute nightmare 🤣
When I have to force her back into her cage she throws massive tantrums and flings herself backwards. I have to move away from the cage to make her stop. She's like a child in the terrible 2 stage 🫣
She is gorgeous and just probably just “full of beans” as she gets older she will calm down a little, but life is far too exciting at her young age
She looks adorable and sounds like such a crazy character 😍
Hi, she could just be young and excitable but it is also possible she could have some neurological issue. A routine vet exam may not have revealed anything obviously wrong especially if it was when you first got her and hadn't by then observed/mentioned her odd behaviour. I would have her vet checked again and take videos of her behaviour to show the vet too. Just to be sure.
I had a piggy with congenital neurological issues who passed earlier this year. I first took her to the vet because she wasn't growing. The vet confirmed she had some dwarfism genes that could also affect the brain and some other organs. As time went on her neurological issues became more apparent. Like your piggy she had no fear, charged about and sometimes fell over. She would also stick her nose in the air and wave her head around a lot. She sometimes ran round in circles before being able to set off in the direction she wanted. She never grew bigger than 500g but was the sweetest of piggies and lived a normal life in her own quirky way, passing at the age of three.