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Very small poops and constant squeaking


New Born Pup
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
My Guinea pig in the last few months has been squeaking more often when pooping, and she did have blood in her stool but the vet said it could just be an infection. I don’t see anymore blood but since that visit she has been squeaking constantly, and her poops are very thin. On top of that she is biting more things around her (like the cage fabric, hay house, etc) and not eating her veggies she use to love. It sounds bad just by the sound of it, we will get her in the vet soon but it’s probably time to put her down.
I’m so sorry to hear this.

How old is she?
Was she given any antibiotics when the vet thought she had an infection?
Is she on any pain relief?
Have any other checks been carried out to find the cause of her issues? ie have her teeth been checked, her reproductive system etc?
Are you weighing her so you can keep a close eye on her hay intake and stepping in with syringe feeding if she is losing weight? Small poops are often a sign of reduced hay intake so replacing hay intake with syringe feeding and using daily weight checks to gauge syringe feed/independent hay intake is vital.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)
Weight - Monitoring and Management
She is about 4 years old.
They never gave her antibiotics, they tested her for uti and bladder stones and she had none. Her sister (not related) had constant uti’s and died of ovarian cancer. They did an X ray and said she didn’t have any tumors, but her uterus was larger than normal.
I’ve been keeping up with that, her teeth are fine, but she does have a dirty bottom, I think poops are getting stuck and something looks pink down there, I’ll have to check tomorrow but something could be inflamed.
We don’t have a weight for her, but she does seem smaller than normal. I’ll have to try the syringe option thank you.
I’m sorry your piggy is unwell. She may just need some antibiotics and pain medication. Good luck at the vets. I hope she is soon on the mend.
Please do step in with daily weight checks. Weekly weight checks should be carried out as routine throughout life but moving to daily weight checks when there are health concerns. The weight checks are essential and are the only way to know enough hay is being eaten and syringe feed is being given.
Please do read the green links I’ve added as it explains how to carry out syringe feeding

So the vet thought she had an infection but didn’t give antibiotics? That’s a bit odd. Could you see a different vet?
So it’s this piggy who has a larger than normal uterus? - have they investigated that further, a spay surgery to remove a problematic uterus?
There could be something treatable going on but the weight checks and syringe feeding are the really important and life saving measure you can take at home as soon as piggy shows any signs of illness
My Guinea pig in the last few months has been squeaking more often when pooping, and she did have blood in her stool but the vet said it could just be an infection. I don’t see anymore blood but since that visit she has been squeaking constantly, and her poops are very thin. On top of that she is biting more things around her (like the cage fabric, hay house, etc) and not eating her veggies she use to love. It sounds bad just by the sound of it, we will get her in the vet soon but it’s probably time to put her down.


Which country are you in? Has your vet prescribed an antibiotic if they thought that she could have an infection?