Very skittish

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score
West Midlands
Out of our two piggies Kwazii is very skittish. Pablo is a lot tamer and will sit calmly in our hand and be stroked. You can't do this with Kwazii. Once he is caught up and we try to hold him so we can stroke him, he makes a run for it. He won't sit still. Do you have any tips on how to tame him down?
All guinea pigs are different. Some just take longer to enjoy being held. Find out the way he likes being held best, on your shoulder,on your chest or lap and that will help. He may feel more relaxed if you hold him under a fleece as that helps guinea pigs to feel safe. Just be patient. My Amelia Jane took over a year to be held and now she will only sit on my lap on fleece but I can stroke her for a while like that. If I hold her on me she will not settle.
I agree with piggyfan - all piggies are different. My Milo has never been skittish, always very relaxed and calm. However, my Mungo has only just started to get used to us. Before, he would always run and hide when he saw us ") He's getting much better though, it all takes time :)
It's still very early days for him so don't worry too much.
A lot of members on here have suggested using a fleece, cuddlecup or towel to snuggle piggy in so they feel safer.
The best tamer for all anxious animals is time..... :)
Give it time, time, and time again!

You'll pretty much always get a bold one and a shy one.
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