Very scared piggies! Help!

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Aug 18, 2012
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New Forest
Hi all, ive just rescued 3 sows and the 2 smallest/youngest ones are petrified whenever i go near the pen. Ive had Guinea pigs for 20+ years and have never seen any as panicky as these? When i go to pick them up to clean out the pen or put them out for some grass they tear round the cage crashing into everything and once i managed to catch them they go mad and try to get away. I'm terrified of dropping them so i now allow them to run into a box and then gently tip it up so they cant escape and carry them that way. Have any of you got any tips on taming them? Only on one occasion have they come out for a carrot but as soon as i moved they were gone!
They need some time to learn to trust you. I would recommend hand-feeding them veggies and talking to them calmly. Soon they will start to get braver and will learn to trust you. Most pigs don't enjoy being picked up so don't worry about this. It's a good idea to pick them up in something just like you did with the box. It always takes a little time for them to become comfortable around you. Good luck!
Is it possible they might have mites? I know guinea pigs with mites hate being picked up because it hurts them and will do anything to avoid it. They also can cry and bite when being held from being in so much pain. Not saying this is what it is, they also might just need time but something to consider.
I gave them a good look over when i managed to catch them and i cant see any mites but........ they did have a couple of bald patches and some nasty cuts/bites whic i assume the boar may have done? ( I bought the girls from a pet auction and they were sold as had benn running with a boar!) They only look babies themselves :(, I think i will just give them a few quiet weeks and try tempting them with carrots etc. Fingerscrossed they arnt pregnant x
Pretty sure its not mites as they arnt scratching and have lovely coats apart from the bite areas but will keep a close eye on them x
MIne were just like that after we go them from a rescue. I'm sure with time and kindness they will come round. Mine are still not that keen on handling after 5 months but they don't hide when I appear, come up to me and wheek demandingly at me :)
If you've just got them you need to let them settle in their cage before you go and handle them. They need to get settled before human interaction really. Make sure they have lots of places to hide inside their cage so that they feel safe. Sit next to their cage and talk to them gently so that they get used to your voice, when they are more settle try picking them up and stroking them and talking to them slowly and calmly and bribe them with fruit! :p
Thanks for the advice guys, my 5yo daughter has been sitting by their pen reading them stories and ive already got 2 hiding places for them. I got a sow last year and she was the abit the same but not quite as scared and thankfully now she is really sweet and friendly and even sings to me when she sees me! x
Thanks for the advice guys, my 5yo daughter has been sitting by their pen reading them stories and ive already got 2 hiding places for them. I got a sow last year and she was the abit the same but not quite as scared and thankfully now she is really sweet and friendly and even sings to me when she sees me! x
That's nice that your daughter reads to them, it will get them use to human voices. :)
Please have your piggies seen by a good vet to decide what the bite marks and bald patches are really down to. "Bite marks" like you are describing are almost always not down to bited but fungal or mites. Unlike the description and pictures, not all mites are actually accompanied by vigorous constant itching, but both fungal or mites can look very much like bite marks at certain stages - and either needs to be treated properly and quickly to prevent things from going worse!
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Thanks for the advice but ive already had my vet friend look over them and he agrees they are Bite marks as the scabs are lifting off to reveal healthy skin underneath and you can almost make out a puncture mark! Also it look like the hair is starting to come back through which is great :) xx
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Quick update on Beauty and Belle, they are both slowly getting tamer espeicially Belle as she sustained a hay poke and had to be handled alot to have her eye drops in. She was incredibly tolerant to have them done and now no longer panics when i go to pick her up :(|)
I took both the girls to the vet appointment and although their skin/hair looked fine we treated them for mites/mange whilst they were there as a precaution.
On the downside Belle does look like she is pregnant for sure as she has really gained a round tummy. I will weigh her again tomorrow and see what she has gained.
Its such a nice change to put their fresh grass and veggies in and them make happy squeky noises and come running out! :)
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