Very Noisy Little Guinea Pig - Happy Or Annoyed?

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Guineapig lover

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 5, 2016
Reaction score
Whenever my daughter picks up one of the Guinea pigs to stroke it is ok for about 2 mins and then the Guinea makes very loud wheeking/squeaking noise it goes on for ages. I could hardly hear strictly tonight. I've listened to a few videos and apparently this is meant to be 'happy'. I think it sounds annoyed, so I make her put the Guinea pig back much to her dismay. Any thoughts?
Whenever my daughter picks up one of the Guinea pigs to stroke it is ok for about 2 mins and then the Guinea makes very loud wheeking/squeaking noise it goes on for ages. I could hardly hear strictly tonight. I've listened to a few videos and apparently this is meant to be 'happy'. I think it sounds annoyed, so I make her put the Guinea pig back much to her dismay. Any thoughts?
I'm no expert but I think they could be scared, once they are used to your daughter, hopefully that should stop.
Depends on the noise. Could you take a little video, can soon tell you what they mean. Pigs have quite a lot of noises and you can tell what they are feeling by them.
I think it's the same noise as the video, to me this sounds annoyed. But I'll try and take a video/audio as well.
I'm trying to load the video which I have taken on my phone, but it doesn't recognise the file format, anyone have a clue how to download? It's a .mov file.
I'm trying to load the video which I have taken on my phone, but it doesn't recognise the file format, anyone have a clue how to download? It's a .mov file.
Sorry we don't have the bandwidth to upload videos... You can host it at youtube or message it to our facebook page and I'l go take a look :)
This is "lost and lonely - I want to go home".
I thought similar. I get the impression the guinea wants some food that is out of view and is getting annoyed that they can't get to it and wants to get down somehow.
I don't think it's wanting food, it is about being alone or wanting to be back home. Mostly babies use this cry. My rescue piggie isn't used to being handled and when I cuddle her she is silent but then may make this same "I want to go home" cry. When I have her out with another piggie though, she feels more comfortable and will make the happy sound when being stroked.
The sound the piggie is making in this video is similar to the excited about food sound but it is the lost/lonely - take me home distress is more urgent than the food call. Can't find one on youtube now to show the difference.
I've just realised- there's no popcorning. You have a very good point. If I compared this vid to one of my excited boys (popcorning at hay, too) I expect there'd be a difference.
I'm just glad I learnt this now, rather than later.
My gut feeling after reading the comments is that it is put me back in my cage, I've had enough. I'll try and load onto Facebook but I'm a bit rubbish at this sort of thing. If the Guinea does feel unhappy how should I go forward on this my daughter loves picking up the guineas.
I think she needs to do what I do with my rescue piggie...have another one out with this piggie at the same time.
It can be hard to tell. My guinea pigs tend to talk to themselves with little continual squeaky noises when you pat them. It's not wheeking... it's more like twittering. Some of my pigs have been noisier about this than others (Sundae is so loud about it that she annoys people who are trying to watch TV when she's on my lap.) Hopefully you'll be able to find some more examples and you'll get to know your pig better and it will make sense.
Sorry we don't have the bandwidth to upload videos... You can host it at youtube or message it to our facebook page and I'l go take a look :)
I tried to message it on your Facebook page, but it looks like it only accepts photo's not video. No idea how to upload onto YouTube It may take awhile to figure it out! Where's a teenager when u need them, think I'm having a 'senior' moment.
Don't worry...just try having a guinea friend out at the same time as this one and see if it makes a difference :)

My rescue guinea will make happy noises when stroked, when she has a friend with her, and not suddenly call out loudly to go home.
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