Very neat poop behaviour


New Born Pup
Nov 19, 2021
Reaction score
Lincoln UK
I just wanted to share what I’ve seen from my boy Theo. So he has recently decided that he loves the pigloo more than the carrot house and has been hanging out in there a lot - fair. He also likes things being clean- when it’s time for the daily cage clean, he gets very excited and often runs laps round the bin, so I think he just likes things clean.
What he’s been doing is backing out of the pigloo when he needs the toilet, so his butt is sticking out, and all his poops are in a pile out front!
It’s great for easy clean up, but I’ve never had a pig do this (usually it’s corners and shaded regions for toilet, not out the front of the pigloo). I think this is cute and hilarious, does anyone else’s pigs do this?


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O yeah I have poop piles in beds and in fleece tubes, just poops everywhere lol they love being cleaned and hop about and dive into fresh hay, I love piggies their comical
Mine don't do that, lucky you 😂
They do love their freshly cleaned cage though! Popcorning and exploring 🥰 (Well, Stella does the popcorning, Clover thinks she's too old. She does manage some halfhearted hops :))
That’s quite an ample poop pile! He obviously doesn’t like to lie in his own mess 😂 When my girls lived indoors, they would generally poo in the hay. There would be a few ‘stray’ poops elsewhere but majority (99.9%) was in the hay. Of course this all changed when they moved outdoors and hay was everywhere. I don’t mind though 😁