Very Interesting Behaviour...

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 12, 2012
Reaction score
Virginia, Usa
My 2 year old piggie, Sophie, is usally a sweet angel. But whenever I go to move her pillow in her cage she will attack the pillow. She bites it and chatters at it. It's like she's angry at the pillow!
Also, when I put my hand on her head she pushes my hand off. (It's actually quite cutex):)) )
My piggie is very intresting. does anyone else's pig do the same?
Hee hee she has attitude! Does she have a friend? Guinea pigs do so much better in pairs, they often become depressed and anxious if they're alone. When she's butting your hand like that she's saying 'mum get off' My boys do the same if they're not in the mood for cuddles, it makes me laugh. I have no idea why she attacks her pillow though, funny :(|)
Your girl certainly doesn't lack pigsonality, and she is not shy!

it would be great if you could think about a same sex friend for her in the long term; guinea pigs are herd animals and not really wired to be on their own.
This is what the best medical website for guinea pigs has to say about companionship:
I am only allowed one pig, as I have 2 goldfish, 1 piggi, and 1 dog. I give her plenty of attention, and she loves her cuddles! She will jump into my neck and cuddle up and watch tv with me!
Cute! Mine don't react to moving items around the cage, but they do give me the 'get off!' sign if they don't want their heads patted!
Both mine give me the 'get off sign' and I love it when they jump and hide underneath my neck or under my hair. So cute!
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