Very confusing behaviour...

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Oct 11, 2011
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I have two sows that were rescued from seperate homes, that haven"t gotten along from day one. They are housed in a seperated c&c cage, with each pig have 2x4 sides. Well, on a daily basis, I see my pigs exchanging friendly squeeks, touching noses, and even grooming eachother thru the bars.. There is absoultely no aggression whatsoever.
However, when I get the girls out together, or attempt to re-introduce them, there is instant non-stop chattering, and lunging follows soon after.

What does this mean?

I'm sorry I cant offer much advice, hopefully someone else can shed a bit more light!

My boys hate each other, so live like yours side by side in separate C&C's. Most of the time Diego is rumbling and chattering at Scruff, but at night they sleep side by side, when resting they lie by each other and when they have a squabble at each other they both popcorn around like they really enjoyed it! But if I put them together, BAM they are going at it trying to kill each other. The only thing i can think of is that when they are in the same place without divides they can fight over territory etc but when the divides of the cage are in place they cant really fight over territory as they have their own space? So just think 'aaahh forget it we might as well be nice to each other we dont have anyone else!".

Sorry not very scientific but just wanted to help x
I have two sows that were rescued from seperate homes, that haven"t gotten along from day one. They are housed in a seperated c&c cage, with each pig have 2x4 sides. Well, on a daily basis, I see my pigs exchanging friendly squeeks, touching noses, and even grooming eachother thru the bars.. There is absoultely no aggression whatsoever.
However, when I get the girls out together, or attempt to re-introduce them, there is instant non-stop chattering, and lunging follows soon after.

What does this mean?

All 3 of mine live alone but anytime we have tryed to re-introduce them they fight, but are all fine in their cages. The 2 that fight the most are fine side by side in their cages but on the floor its a whole new story!

When you introduce them in a new surrounding, they need to work out who's boss which is why they fight. Some lucky piggies sort it out and can live together happily ever after and some dont.
I gave up a year ago because they just hated each other and i didnt feel it was fair on them. Their health, happiness and saftey comes first

Your girls still have the company of each other and are obviously happy :)

I think some piggies are just meant to live alone.
Thats what I'm beginning to think..
At least they're civil when they're behind bars! :))

Thanks for the quick responses. (:
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