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Very concerned about Bill*sad update* :*(

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Jun 26, 2006
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Birmingham, UK
Hi everyone,

havnt been around for quite a while so hope everyone is ok? this is the first place i thought to check when i found Bill this evening as you were all so helpful when my Budd was sick last year.

Bill doesnt seem to be doing too good and i cant quite place my finger on what it is. he was fine yesterday but this was the case with Budd so I'm not taking any chances with poor Bill. he has a couple of soft squishy poos in his cage and had a few stuck to his bum when i got him out. he also seems very lethargic-he was quite floppy in my hands which is completely unlike him and when i put him on the floor for his run he ran under the rat cage and lay straight down. Again this is unlike him-he usually likes to terrorise the cats when hes out! lol

i also noticed he had a little bit of drool on his mouth and this is one thing Budd had. i know this can be related to teeth problems but he has been eating fine-had all his veg last night and even had a little nibble on some cucumber this evening so i honestly dont think its his teeth. ive had a look on peter gurneys page but cant really find anything that matches his symptoms-which is mainly lethargy. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

he doesnt appear to have drank anything since last night so think i will try and syringe some to him now. is there anythng else i can do for him tonight? I'm going to try and get him the vets first thing tomorrow(i still regret not getting Budd to the vets sooner-our sweet animals sure know how to fool us and hide how ill they are until the last minute :-\ )

if anyone has any ideas as to what might be wrong, or anything i could do to try and make him feel better tonight please do help.


oh i forgot to say the most worrying thing of all for me is that he isnt really making any noise, and Bill is a very noisey piggie :(
Re: Very concerned about Bill

Aww I don't know what to suggest but hopefully he'll be okay. Good on you for taking him to the vet tmorrow too. You're right, they hide the illness' soo much :-\
: Vry concrn about Bill

Arn't ths littl ons such a worry whn poorly.

If h wr min ~
I' rmov any fruit or vg h has in with him, laving his ry foo an som nic frsh hay.
Kp him warm (I prsum h is inoors?) an quit an raught fr.

If you hav any ritical ar or covry, syring this littl an oftn or at last bfor btim an if you wak up in th night.
A ittl boil an vry cool watr or som spring watr if you hav it.

ally at hom, thr is not much mor you can o. Insist on an arly appointmnt in th morning.
Hop all gos wll an try not to worry too much, I know it's asir sai than on :-\

Tak car, I'll sn th littl guy som iki tonight bfor b.

[colorr]bviously vts ar on call 24/7 an if you fl h ns attntion now, thn giv thm a call. I'v call vts out for guina pigs bfor...somtims w hav to, but only you can ci what is bst. If you ar rally worri, ring your surgry an you shul b abl to talk to a vt nurs or th vt.
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Re: Very concerned about Bill

Get some probiotics for him in case of tummy troubles sph supplies Avipro Plus. I would give him his normal food but not any fruit, plenty of hay and if possible a variety of hays.

Does sound like a dental problem or infection in the mouth. Phone Vedra at the CCT for your nearest rodentologist and guinea friendly vet on 07721 026401 to text/phone your message. :)

Order CriticalCare from SPH Supplies too for syringe feeding. Give him plenty of water (with rehydration fluids if possible). Celery is good either fed as normal or blended to make a smoothie, its almost Isotonic.
Re: Very concerned about Bill

Thankyou for all of your replies. i have been leaving him to rest but will go and syringe some water for him now. i do have some avipro here somewhere so will give him that too.

i also have some recovery so will try him with that tonight. i only put some cucumber in with him tonight, so would it still be best to remove it? would that not help if hes not drinking?

i dont think he needs an emergency vet visit but obviously if he worsens then this is something i will do(though after my last visit to our local emergency clinic I'm not very confident bringing any other animals there :'( )

I'm still not convinced its his teeth but obviously i could be wrong and will see what my vet thinks. thankyou for that number though Karen, i shall definately ring it if i need to!
Re: Very concerned about Bill

Hi i would see the vets asap, don't be surprised if it is teeth. Has he got a wet chin also or a vinegar type smell coming from his mouth? If so it's a tooth or mouth problem.
I'd go to the vets just for reassurance you can't afford to wait with these little ones. All the best will keep our paws crossed for you both :-* :-*
Re: Very concerned about Bill

Personally I would leave the cucumber in, as you say it will rehdrate him a bit but he really needs water. You need to get to the root of the problem rather than just clearing up the symptoms eg soft poos. I think you need to phone Vedra tomorrow and get his teeth and mouth looked at properly.
Re: Very concerned about Bill

well he has just had around 5/6 mls of polyaid(which is basically like critical care i think) and I'm leaving him to rest a little and then will give him some recovery/avipro.

i have messaged someone on this board that knows of a rodentologist near me so will probably bring him to be checked there too. i think the first call will still be to the vets though to try and rule out anything else that might be going on. it just worried me how lethargic he is-as soon as you put him down he lies down which just isnt like him. though he did purr when we put him back in his cage after giving him the polyaid bless him.

is lethargy a symptom of tooth problems then? i only remembered to smell his breath after i gave him the polyaid which didnt really help considering the poly aid smells like garlic lol i did notice his nose was a teeny bit wet (though i might just be being paranoid because of what happened to Budd)

Thanks for all your help so far everyone, i will keep you updated with anything that happens.
Re: Very concerned about Bill

General lethargy can be a sign that there are teeth problems but not always ::) You are right to be worried though. Keep us posted :)
Re: Very concerned about Bill

Keep an open mind on the diagnosis too many people jump to the conclusion that it is dental related and it proves to be something quite differrent, especially when there are symptoms other than anorexia.

I had a lady rang recently whose vet diagnosed vet dental problems but owner had a feeling it was more than that. She went to my vet, the teeth were fine and it was a digestive problem.

Good luck,
Re: Very concerned about Bill

just a little update. i have booked an appointment for him to see my vet first thing in the morning-they didnt have any left today(but that was my fault because i was up worrying about him until nearly 5am so didnt get up until 11am :-\ )

i tried a different vets first, the one that i took Budd to see last year, but as luck would have it that vet left at christmas! when i asked who the best vet to see with a guinea pig was, i was told that none really specialise and id be better of taking him to an exotic vet ::) for a receptionist to say that its got to be bad!

anyway, i now know it isnt dental problems but respiratory problems :'( when i went to syringe feed him last night i found the poor guy wheezing. i sprinkled some olbas oil around his cage and gave him some sudafed and a garlic capsule(pierced and squeezed into his mouth) and luckily i have some baytril here so started him on that too. along with this i made up around 1/4 sachet of recovery this morning and he has already had over half of it, plus a little bit of water so fingers crossed. he is curled up on our bed right now so il be keeping a closer eye on him. if he worsens at all i will be demanding to be seen today, but as long as he stays the way he is(accepting his meds, water and food) i shall just bring him to the appointment in the morning.

i remember when Budd was sick like this i was told that i needed to supplement his vitamin C intake, but cant remember how i was told to do this so if anyone has any advice id appreciate it. Thanks again everyone.
Re: Very concerned about Bill

We lost Bill :'( :'( i just cant belive it. less then 24 hours after finding him ill and he has gone :'(

he seemed to be doing so much better and he had got nice and warm and comfy on our bed then all of a sudden he started gasping for breath and within minutes he had left us :'( why do they hide it from us? why do they wait to let us know when its too late? i thought it was bad when Budd passed away, but for Bill to go so quick has just devestated me. I know he is with his brother now and they are eating all the veggies they could ever wish for and wheeking happily but I'm just going to miss him so much. who will keep the kittens in order now Bill has gone? the thought of not hearing wheeking at veggie time is just heart breaking :'(

I love you so much Bill, and i will never ever forget you or Budd. every time i see cucumber il remember your cheeky little faces and hear your delight at seeing it too. You will always be in my heart xxxxxxxxx
I'm sorry to hear. This really is why you can never delay getting to the vets, though I'm lucky in that my pigs will always be seen if it's an emergency - day or night.
So very very sorry to hear that little Bill has gone to the bridge :'( I too wish they wouldn't hide things from us, but it's their nature :'(
Sending you lots of cuddles to help comfort you :-*
RIP Bill you can play with your mate Budd at the bridge run free no more pain :'( :'(
So sorry to hear about Bill. :'(

Sleep well with Budd, little Bill.
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