Very Affectionate?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 11, 2014
Reaction score
Archie is being very attached this evening, he normally sleeps in his cave but tonight he insisting on sleeping on my pillow next to me, hes currently pressed against my thigh. He wont stay in his cave, I tried several times to chase him in, and he just comes back out and installs himself next to me again, though he bit me when I tried to chase him away the second time. Hes been farting quite a lot but other than he seems fine, is he just wanting lots of cuddles or is he trying to tell me something?
Hi, he could be telling you that somthing is wrong ! could he could be anxious , has anything recently frightend Archie ?
Also have you any idea why he is gassy , he may have a bit of tummy pain ?
Well he seems really relaxed, just flopped out quietly. I did press his tummy but he didnt seem to mind that at all. He does have days when he farts, and tends to fart when hes enjoying himself, he isnt bloated or problem with his poops and wees. Nothings been scaring him, and hes been eating the same food as always, no change in diet.
Maybe my room is abit cold? I do have my heater on but its on low, normally he seems fine at this temperature but I guess its slightly cold.
Yes you could be right , they are very sensertive to tep changes
Well he seems really relaxed, just flopped out quietly. I did press his tummy but he didnt seem to mind that at all. He does have days when he farts, and tends to fart when hes enjoying himself, he isnt bloated or problem with his poops and wees. Nothings been scaring him, and hes been eating the same food as always, no change in diet.
Maybe my room is abit cold? I do have my heater on but its on low, normally he seems fine at this temperature but I guess its slightly cold.

Perhaps you can order a couple of microwaveable snugglesafes to have a warm and snuggly place throughout the winter month? they are widely available online.
I shall look into this, thank you everyone :)
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