

New Born Pup
May 6, 2024
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Hi, we’re very new to piggies. We have just acquired, I think, a 2 and 3 month old. Struggling to know what to feed them fresh food wise. We’ve tried lettuce, pepper, cucumber, beans, broccoli, tomato and they like them all. Websites say most stuff 2-3 times a week. Is there things I can just give without thinking about it? It’s hard enough keeping track of feeding the family let alone the piggies too! Things that say once a week, is that just one treat once a week or all of them once a week? Hope this rambling makes senses! Any advice welcome…
You can give lettuce, cucumber, pepper and a couple of sprigs of coriander daily.

Everything else is best kept limited and in rotation
Broccoli, and other brassicas? can cause bloat.
Tomato and fruits need to be no more than once a week as the acidity can cause cheilitis ( lip infection).

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
i give my three these veggies daily

Lettuce (not iceberg)
Aubergine/green beans/sugar snap peas

Depending on what I have in the fridge they may get as an alternative to the above

Bean sprouts
Outer leaves of sprouts
Parsnip peelings
Butternut squash
Sweet potato

Clearly only a bit of the above and not a whole butternut squash or a whole sweet potato lol
Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of guinea pigs. The guides that were linked for you to read are very informative.
My boys get romaine lettuce, cucumber, pepper a green bean each and a bit of fresh coriander, dill, mint, basil or parsley on a daily basis.

Mine get daily:
- Slice of cucumber
- Lettuce leaf (gem, cos/romaine or lambs lettuce)
- slice of pepper/capsicum (colour varies)
- 3 times a week: fresh coriander/cilantro in rotation with once a week 1 slice of greens/collard greens and 1-2 times a week a green bean.
- fresh grass, dandelion and strawberry leaves from the garden when in season; in winter it can be a small chunk of celery about 2-3 times a week and some dry forage and richer sweet meadow hay in addition to their soft meadow hay when grass is not available.

Occasional (every few weeks as higher in calcium and oxalates): fresh parsley, dill or other herbs instead of a portion of coriander herb; kale or 1 leaf of spinach from cooking leftovers instead of greens.
As special treats every few weeks (as higher in sugar and calories): small slice of apple or piece of carrot, sweetcorn when in season (all parts), small piece of organic banana skin, half a cherry tomato - it depends on what I am cooking with.

What you want to feed depends on how many piggies you have, how much you want to spend on food, air miles and ecological concerns, access to safe unsprayed grass free of dog pee, your own diet etc. There is a balance in what you can use up within a reasonable amount of time without causing unnecessary waste that each of us has to find for themselves.