Veggies per day


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 18, 2023
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Hey guys! I know it’s kinda weird to ask rn but i was watching some yt videos about guinea pigs and the person said that he gave one pig one cup a day = 250 g each! I’ve had my piggies for a year now and after researching i’ve always given them 100g of veggies a day! I'm so confused
There are many conflicting ideas about how much veg to feed per pig. I don’t think many people actually measure it out, instead just working out a portion and doing it by eye. As long as they are not getting either a lot too much or too little on a regular basis they should be fine. It does also depend on what veg they are being given, some days they may have less if they are having something more nutritious.

Here is a link to the diet guide which gives an idea of how much per pig.
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
The guide is one cup per pig per day.

I do feed a bit more than that to my piggies, plus they get a lot of fresh grass in summer but I don’t feed pellets often (only 2-3 times a week)
The guide is one cup per pig per day.

I do feed a bit more than that to my piggies, plus they get a lot of fresh grass in summer but I don’t feed pellets often (only 2-3 times a week)
250g a day?
250g a day?

Probably not that much routinely in winter but once they are getting grass in summer as well as their veg, then yes quite probably.

They also eat huge amounts of hay and hardly get any pellets though.
They have a wet diet which promotes good urination and helps prevent bladder problems.
I don’t weigh the vegetables for mine but it’s roughly a part filled pasta bowl in the afternoon, a lettuce leaf each in the morning and if someone is around there may be a midday snack of a few herbs or a slice of cucumber.
They have a mountain of hay to eat and seem to thrive.
Converting cups into grams can be confusing as some vegies are more dense than others and obviously, unlike a cup of flour say, there there will be gaps too. For example a cup of lettuce will weigh less than a cup of cucumber. If you feed nuggets only occasionally or not at all then they can have more veg. I feed close to 100g a day but only feed nuggets twice a week in winter and once a week in summer so most of what they eat is still hay/grass.
Probably not that much routinely in winter but once they are getting grass in summer as well as their veg, then yes quite probably.

They also eat huge amounts of hay and hardly get any pellets though.
They have a wet diet which promotes good urination and helps prevent bladder problems.
Thank you 🙏🏻☺️