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Veggies After Bloating


Forum Donator 2023/24
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
The Wirral and Liverpool (Uni)

So I was just wondering how to wean Bea, my piggie who has just recovered from bloat, back on to veggies? I’ve been trying to give her bits of corriander and must’ve given her a little too much and saw one of those horrible stringy poops.

Has anyone got any advice on how I can wean her back? If ever? She really enjoyed her veg :((
I think it will depend on the cause. If it was just an embarrassing gorging session (yes Louise, I'm thinking of you) you keep her off veggies for a couple of days until poops get back to normal, then you reintroduce one thing at a time and only very small amounts. Louise hated her days without - we had to remove her while the others got their share but she could smell it when she went back! However, we bought a few different types of hay to ring the changes so she didn't get too down. Within a week she was back onto everything... although not all at once!

If there's a chance there was an underlying cause that has made her eat less and less hay over time before the bloat was triggered you would have perhaps noticed her losing weight? Monitor her daily at this point and see if she's maintaining her weight OK (she should fluctuate up and down within about 30-40 grams but if she loses even about 10 g day on day without recovering it that will tell you there's still something going on). Bloat is a 'thing' in itself but can result as a 'symptom' of something else. If so you'll have to try and find the cause... if you see what I'm saying. Good luck little Bea x
You need to give a very small amount - a sprig or two of coriander only (herbs are easier as they tend to be milder on the tummy) - and see what happens. If poops are ok, then increase with another sprig and continue to build it up slowly.
If poops show an issue, then remove veg until poops go back to normal. Then try again very slowly.
If the same thing happens then please speak to a vet
Our Lucy was very prone to bloat as she got older, and this is what worked for us.
I would always wait at least a full week until the final signs of bloat had disappeared.
At this point I would introduce a sprig of coriander once a day.
After 4-6 days with no issues then I would introduce 1 more veg (cucumber or pepper usually).
And so on - 1 new veg added in a small amount every few days.
It took a while and she had to be separated when the others were getting their veg, but for us this is what worked the best.
But as I say, Lucy was very prone to bloat and also remained on 1-2 weekly doses a week of probiotics per week, as well as always living with a companion piggy (so she had the chance to eat a healthy poop if needed).