Vacuum cleaning


New Born Pup
May 4, 2021
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Our 9wk guinea pigs are in the lounge.
I had been taking them out and moving then to another room when vacuuming, as my cleaner is very noisy.
Now I read, to not pick them up until they have settled (they are very very nervous)
I completely agree with this, but I still need to clean their cage.
They don't use just one corner, which would be easy. They wee and poo everywhere.
Suggestions to give them less stress please.
Amyrose has ordered pouches, which we hope they will hide in and make picking them up easier.
Do you mean vacuuming in their cage or the room generally?
What type of bedding are you using?

They do get used to noise but it is going to take quite a bit of time. Have you tried starting the vacuum in another room and then slowly moving towards them - it’s not going to be something which works first or even 10th time but they will learn they don’t need to be scared of the vacuum eventually

They will always pee and poop everywhere, piggies pee and poop where they eat but also in their sleep so they aren’t tidy animals!

Using a carrier to herd them into always works best. It took a while, but mine know that their carrier is for moving ghem from one place to another (they most associate it with going into their lawn run) and now walk into it as soon as I put it in their enclosure
Do you mean vacuuming in their cage or the room generally?
What type of bedding are you using?

They do get used to noise but it is going to take quite a bit of time. Have you tried starting the vacuum in another room and then slowly moving towards them - it’s not going to be something which works first or even 10th time but they will learn they don’t need to be scared of the vacuum eventually

They will always pee and poop everywhere, piggies pee and poop where they eat but also in their sleep so they aren’t tidy animals!

Using a carrier to herd them into always works best. It took a while, but mine know that their carrier is for moving ghem from one place to another (they most associate it with going into their lawn run) and now walk into it as soon as I put it in their enclosure
Hello, the bedding is shavings, it's for guinea pigs.
I don't vacuum their cage, I use a dustpan and brush.
My sisters guinea pig uses only 2 places to poo and wee. So I thought they all did.
The day we brought them home, last Saturday, one was laying in the cage, not in the shelter, looking lifeless.
We thought was dead.
Amy picked him up, he just hung in her hand.
It was when she placed him on her chest, he opens eyes.
It maybe because of this, I am worried of frightening them.
Ok - it’ll just take time for them to get used to it. It could weeks or months before they do though, so gradually introducing them to sounds or moving them away if they are terrified is the only way to go really.
Your sister would have been lucky! Guinea pigs cannot be litter trained and while some will have a few favourite spots to go to the toilet (usually where there is hay as they toilet while they eat) they will all just poop while walking about
I am sure they will settle down and get used to it! Funny, my pigs go crazy and start popcorning like mad whenever I vacuum :roll:
I did vacuum today. Haven't cleaned their cage out yet though.
Waiting for grandson to come home, so he can hold them while I do it.
The pouches came today, so hopefully they will feel safer when out of their shelter xx
Your piggies will get used to all the noise. Mine are used to my small children being really noisy. Right now they are taking a nap while the roofers are making lots of noise.
I am feeling happier about it all now.
We were on another guinea pig forum who made me feel I was doing it all wrong.
Here you are much more friendly.
Daughter Amyrose has posted a pic here of Ricky (grandson) feeding the piggies dandelion leaves from his hand!
That made me so happy 😊
Other guinea pig forums are well known for being critical of how you do things. If it's different to how certain people do it its wrong! I keep my piggies in an unheated garage with plenty to keep them warm in the winter. It must be OK cos I managed to pass the VERY stringent rules of a Rescue but to some people only keeping guinea pigs in the house is the way to go. Each person keeps their piggies differently and as long as they are happy, healthy, loved, are cleaned out regularly and have access to a good vet that is all that matters.

This forum is one of the best as we are a non-critical family friendly forum. You will never be made to feel that you are doing stuff wrong. We give advice but we don't tell you what you should do in terms of keeping your guinea pigs. Every persons situation is different.