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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 3, 2022
Reaction score
I think my guinea pig, Dolly, definitely has a UTI. She's crying when peeing or pooping and she definitely looks like she's straining herself when doing so, she kind of swayed back and forth?

My problem is, is that it's currently midnight for me and I'm not sure when I could get her in to see a vet. Is there anything I can do for her in the meantime?
I’m sorry to hear this.
All you can do is see a vet - the issue needs to be diagnosed and treatment prescribed accordingly.

You can step in with home care ie switching to daily weight checks to ensure she is still eating enough, and stepping in with syringe feeding if needed.

I hope she is ok
Thankfully I was able to get Dolly into the vet early in the morning. She got antibiotics and pain medicine. I've never dealt with this before in any guinea pigs so it was definitely scary :):(
Thankfully I was able to get Dolly into the vet early in the morning. She got antibiotics and pain medicine. I've never dealt with this before in any guinea pigs so it was definitely scary :):(
Well done for getting her seen. Hopefully she will pick up once the medication kicks in.