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New Born Pup
Apr 2, 2021
Reaction score
Kelowna BC, Canada
Hi everyone,

I’m having a bit of a situation with one of my girls and wondering if anyone else has gone through something similar.

About three weeks ago she was in extreme pain and peeing blood - I got her to the vet as fast as I could and they said she had a bladder infection. She was on antibiotics for 7 days (it was not Baytril). About a week later her symptoms returned.

Now she is on a 10 day treatment of Baytril and another medication (I’m not too sure the name of it). We’re about 5 days in and now she sounds like the has a URI as well. She sounds extremely congested and loud clicking when breathing. Otherwise she’s acting normal - squeaking for food and eating/drinking. She has a vet appointment tomorrow morning.

I’m just a little confused as I’ve been given Baytril for URI’s before and I’m not sure why she would get a URI while already being on this medication.

Her cage mate (my healthy one🙄) has had no issues. I was thinking about separating them but she’s already been exposed and their bond isn’t the most perfect and I think this would just ruin it.

I’m just wondering if anyone has been through anything similar and what happened?
I haven’t had this issue but just adding support too
Good she has a Vet appt tomorro - is the Vet a Guinea pig specialist ?
It might be worth using a probiotic to help restore her gut health after the antibiotics
( I just squeeze it onto a lettuce leaf and it’s gobbled up - it’s carrot flavour so that helps)