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Usually sneezy and a new cough

Mother breeze

New Born Pup
Feb 22, 2021
Reaction score
I've had my piggie girls for a month now. Tina (aprox 3 or 4 months) had an eye squint and sneezing. Then she developed nasal discharge (wet then green) They both received antibiotics. Her eye and nose cleared up but both continue to sneeze. I called my vet and she said since they have improved it unlikely they need more antibiotics to stop the sneezing. This morning I noticed Louise (2 months aprox) coughed twice. I wasn't feeding them any veggies and not sure if she just ate her pellets or hay. I've read they can cough if they eat too fast. Anyone have experience with sneezing? I also changed bedding to fleece but recently am using pine kiln dried for their "kitchen" where they pee. Thank you for any insight!
Make sure that there are no other irritants in the room - candles, perfumes, anything scented, dusty hay. If the sneezing seems excessive again then I’d get them checked out again. They can cough if they eat or drink too much.

How long were they on the antibiotics for? You say both, was the other companion also sneezing and/or had discharge?
They were on antibiotics for a week. Only one had nasal discharge but both are sneezing. No other irritants around them.
I would get them in again just to be sure. Hope it’s nothing. 😌