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Using a nebuliser


Forum Donator 2024/25
Oct 22, 2019
Reaction score
London UK
Hi all

Following vet advice we got an omron nebuliser for Winnie and the ready to use f10 solution. Does anyone know what the normal amount of f10 to use is? We’ve put in 5ml which is what the nurse mentioned but she said to check with the manual. Being a human one it obviously doesn’t have doses for pets! Just checking what people tend to use.

I think it just depends on the size of the chamber /reservoir and ensuring that it doesn’t get over full or run dry. That’s probably why they mentioned checking the manual
It’s been a couple of years since I nebulised piggies so I would also need to check my manual!
I’ve got an Omron C28P and I was advised 1 part F10 to 250 parts water/saline (eg. 1:250 ml) which frankly is a bit fiddly when you’re making up smaller amounts. Or just saline. I find each c15 min session uses about 5-8ml as the reservoir isn’t that big. Sorry not terribly helpful - hope a nebuliser expert can provide better insight.
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Thanks both, those are really helpful responses actually. The manual says to use between 2-10ml and we went with 5. We were advised to nebulise her for 10-15 means which we did and there was a bit of foamy stuff left in the reservoir after but not much. I’ve never used one before for animals or humans so wasn’t sure what to expect but we did get some steam like most coming in so I think it worked. Luckily the vets gave us the ready made solution so I didn’t have to try to do the maths. I always have to check about 300 times as I never trust myself!

Thanks again
Thanks both, those are really helpful responses actually. The manual says to use between 2-10ml and we went with 5. We were advised to nebulise her for 10-15 means which we did and there was a bit of foamy stuff left in the reservoir after but not much. I’ve never used one before for animals or humans so wasn’t sure what to expect but we did get some steam like most coming in so I think it worked. Luckily the vets gave us the ready made solution so I didn’t have to try to do the maths. I always have to check about 300 times as I never trust myself!

Thanks again
Well done for getting her started. Hopefully this will help her breathe more easily.
Sorry to ask on an old post but I’m at a point of 7 weeks in with my guinea pig Primrose who had a uri and then bronchitis… she’s been in two lots of different antibiotics, metacam and bisolvant powder but vets aren’t keen to try anything else before scans and swabs. I want to try nebulising as she is really bright and bubbly, eating, drinking and pooping well….. but no idea where to start. I’ve looked up the omcron nebuliser you mention above but how do you use it?
Sorry it’s been tough for Primrose and for you. I’ll attach a photo and some instructions from my vets. Your situation may be different of course so please check with your own vet but this is what our vet said to do. We nebulise Mabel twice a day now and it seems to help her (not always, but mostly).
It takes a bit of getting used to and I spent a lot of time checking I’d put the bits in the right place but you’ll know it’s working when you get a very fine vapour coming out.

Some people on the forum I think use plastic boxes with holes cut out.

I put in some leaves or herbs/healthy forage to keep her going and when she’s ran out she bangs on the door to demand more! She’s at the point now where she associates it with food so will purr when you put her in it. Hay in a toilet roll also keeps her occupied. Some pigs are probably fine without food.

We do about 15 mins at a time or more of she’s really honky.

Hope things improve for your little one.
I use a pet carrier. The entire shell of the carrier is wrapped in cling film to block the holes. The door I don’t cover with cling film. I hang the chamber inside and then fold a towel over the door to help keep the vapour in. Hope that helps
I have spoken with our vet re nebulising and how difficult it can be, although you both seem to have had good success with it. We’ve put Primrose in her carrier in the bathroom when we’re having showers but honestly it doesn’t seem to have made a difference. Primrose is a v sturdy piggy who’s somehow managed to put weight on whilst on antibiotics 🤣 but her breathing is so raspy. She’s bright eyed and seems well bless her but I want to see what I can do to help her moving towards…. I’ll get shopping later. Thank you again for your help!
Once you’ve got the set up sorted it’s not been tricky really in our case, although it is a bit of a faff fitting it in. Mabel seems totally ok with it, I find she makes more of a fuss having cream on her foot than going in this!

It does help, sometimes it makes her go from very honky to clearing her throat after a time in the nebuliser and then sounding much better, I think it’s the way it clears the mucus. She still honks a bit and it hasnt gone completely but it is definitely improved.

I got the machine from Argos I think.

Good luck and keep us posted if you try it, I hope it helps. I’m glad primrose is robust and sturdy otherwise!
Does your carrier have a lot of holes Vicki? Wondering if I should be using cling film too!

Re Primrose’s owner - the machine comes with some good too, let me know if you want a pic.
Yes, I use a smallish carrier that has lots of ventilation holes at the sides & the top. At first I used to wrap towels all round it to cover the holes but over time found it easier to wrap it in numerous layers of cling film so only the door has exposed openings needing a towel over them.
I have spoken with our vet re nebulising and how difficult it can be, although you both seem to have had good success with it. We’ve put Primrose in her carrier in the bathroom when we’re having showers but honestly it doesn’t seem to have made a difference. Primrose is a v sturdy piggy who’s somehow managed to put weight on whilst on antibiotics 🤣 but her breathing is so raspy. She’s bright eyed and seems well bless her but I want to see what I can do to help her moving towards…. I’ll get shopping later. Thank you again for your help!
One of my heart piggies used to go in daily for a saline nebuliser session. It used to really help her.