Useful Hay Rack

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maisie-piglet-mocha pigs

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
i bought this wooden hay rack from p&h recently. It was expensive for a few bits of wood but I'm glad I got it!
I had the usual hang on version before but it couldn't hold much and the hay ended up all over the floor! I hate that as it gets wasted due to them peeing on it. This keeps it more contained and because they can all stand round it at once there are no arguments about who gets hay first! I even found mocha sitting in it the other day!
Would recommend if you can get over the expense of a few bits of wood, or even better if you are handy enough to make your own.


I love this, but I know my lot would just sit in it and pee all over the hay :(. They even climbed into my old hay bags just so they could sit in the hay....even though they have a large box filled with hay to play in! I have to keep their rating hay more contained, but love the idea of something like this. You could also paint it with safe paint and make it really really pretty if you wanted a little project :). Love your piggies X
That looks great! We are using shoe boxes at the moment but like you I hate the fact so much gets wasted as they just love to pee all over it.
That looks great! We are using shoe boxes at the moment but like you I hate the fact so much gets wasted as they just love to pee all over it.
Currently u don't have have a hay rack but if u could tag a diy hay rack website that would be great! I have beautiful girls!:love::D
Looks really cool, i can see that they love it. Very beautiful piggies by the way :drool:
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