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Urine Scald after UTI


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Ireland UK
Hi all! The past month has been a bit crazy as my 5yr old female suddenly got a very bad UTI.
We did our best to keep her clean during the UTI but she still seems to have urine scald, her genitals seem to be very swollen though which I’m not sure if that’s normal - she did lose quite a bit of weight while sick so maybe that’s making it look worse?
She’s gained weight, behaving very normal with no signs of pain although it looks very sore!
Currently we’re putting lots of sudocrem on to soothe it but it doesn’t seem to be making much of a difference. I have TCP antiseptic and was wondering if a VERY dilute bath of it would help her at all?
I’ve included a pic of her x ray as we couldn’t see any stones so I doubt that’s the issue but maybe someone will spot the issue!
I apologise that the photos of her genitals are a touch blurry!


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That does look sore, bless her. I wouldn’t use the TCP. I would just do a bum bath with a damp face cloth and just plain water.

What is she bedded on and do you change it regularly to make sure it’s not wet? Vet bed has been recommended by quite a few members on here for such situations. Do you think she is dripping urine?

Hope she starts to feel much better soon.
Hi all! The past month has been a bit crazy as my 5yr old female suddenly got a very bad UTI.
We did our best to keep her clean during the UTI but she still seems to have urine scald, her genitals seem to be very swollen though which I’m not sure if that’s normal - she did lose quite a bit of weight while sick so maybe that’s making it look worse?
She’s gained weight, behaving very normal with no signs of pain although it looks very sore!
Currently we’re putting lots of sudocrem on to soothe it but it doesn’t seem to be making much of a difference. I have TCP antiseptic and was wondering if a VERY dilute bath of it would help her at all?
I’ve included a pic of her x ray as we couldn’t see any stones so I doubt that’s the issue but maybe someone will spot the issue!
I apologise that the photos of her genitals are a touch blurry!


Try a gentle daily wash with a damp cloth with just baby warm water and then treat any sore areas with a very thin layer of flamazine cream - this is a tip from an experienced guinea pig keeping exotics vet nurse.
That does look sore, bless her. I wouldn’t use the TCP. I would just do a bum bath with a damp face cloth and just plain water.

What is she bedded on and do you change it regularly to make sure it’s not wet? Vet bed has been recommended by quite a few members on here for such situations. Do you think she is dripping urine?

Hope she starts to feel much better soon.
Hiya! Sorry for the slow reply just been busy. We started with the bum baths and flamazine and it’s made a big difference! She’s bedded on fleece which is changed every 3-4 days but high traffic areas gets changed daily. I’ve seen vet bed for sale but not sure how it works, do you wash it or bin it after and does it need puppy pads or anything put under it? During the UTI she dripped a lot of urine (and some blood) and I was sure it has stopped although I noticed during her bum bath that some pee (normal no blood) came out when she was pooping - is that normal? Thanks so much
I've used vetbed in similar situations over the years. The urine passes through it and is locked in underneath so it doesn't come back up like it does with a fleece pad if it gets soaked. I cut the vetbed into small squares the size of a pee pad and use it in beds and under hides where they lie the most. It does need something absorbent underneath it. I mostly used a folded up newspaper which does get pretty soaked at times, I used to check it twice a day and change if needed, obviously this will depend on how much the pig wees! You wash vetbed the same as fleece, it lasts for years, some of mine has been in use on and off for 20+ years. The green back is better than the rubber back. I found the rubber perishes and shortens the life of the material.
I hhope your pooor piggy gets better soon.
Hi all! Just wanted to update again
I picked up my piggie today and noticed she’s definitely leaking and it smells quite foul. She’s booked for a vet appointment tomorrow but I’m honestly stumped what the issue could be. She had an X-ray and ultrasound about a month ago when the issue started and although her kidney is swollen they didn’t see any stones or uterine cysts. Is it possible her UTI has just come back?