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Urine colour.


Adult Guinea Pig
May 1, 2020
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
Hi, I'm looking for some advice. Over a week ago Cyril was castrated (abdominal technique), since then he's been squeaking while peeing. There's no obvious blood in the urine and he's been on baytril and metacam for a week. For the first couple days it seemed to help but he's still squeaking while peeing sometimes. There's no calcium in his urine and nothing can be felt in his tummy, doesn't seem tender or anything.

I know that urine can go darker when exposed to oxygen. But not all of his pees are like this. Here's a photo of 2 of his pees (lighter at the back is older than the darker at the front. The one at the front is less than 10 minutes old). The pees of this colour are the ones he squeaks with. Would trying glucosamine be worth a shot to help with any inflammation?

It looks likes pee in the normal range to me?

It looks likes pee in the normal range to me?
Yes I was thinking that too. My concern is he's been on baytril for a week and it's made very little difference to his discomfort when urinating. He has the vets tomorrow afternoon and was wondering if I should speak to them about glucosamine to see if that will help ease his discomfort as the antibiotics seem to be doing very little for him. He's still on metacam and is eating/drinking.
Yes I was thinking that too. My concern is he's been on baytril for a week and it's made very little difference to his discomfort when urinating. He has the vets tomorrow afternoon and was wondering if I should speak to them about glucosamine to see if that will help ease his discomfort as the antibiotics seem to be doing very little for him. He's still on metacam and is eating/drinking.

How long has he been on baytril? Just a week is usually not enough with UTI.
How long has he been on baytril? Just a week is usually not enough with UTI.
Ah ok. Can glucosamine be used alongside baytril to help line his bladder? Or is it best to do one thing at a time?
You can give glucosamine alongside the baytril as it's just a supplement rather than a medicine
Thanks Claire. I was just worried as I know some supplements can clash with medicines. Will bring it up at the vets. Is there a certain brand which is recommended?
I used to use feliway cystease capsules which is a cat supplement to ease cystitis Feliway Cystease Cat 30 Tablets Bladder Support Urinary Tract Anxiety Reduction | eBay I used to break open the capsule and mix the powder with 1ml of water and syringe. I used to give a full capsule but my Emma and Ellen had IC quite bad so you may want to ask advise from your vet on how much you should give, Half or even a quarter of capsule may be sufficient. Don't worry, cystease / glucosamine doesn't react with antibiotics :)
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I used to use feliway cystease capsules which is a cat supplement to ease cystitis Feliway Cystease Cat 30 Tablets Bladder Support Urinary Tract Anxiety Reduction | eBay I used to break open the capsule and mix the powder with 1ml of water and syringe. I used to give a full capsule but my Emma and Ellen had IC quite bad so you may want to ask advise from your vet on how much you should give, Half or even a quarter of capsule may be sufficient. Don't worry, cystease / glucosamine doesn't react with antibiotics :)
Thank you I will ask. 😊
Forgot to update yesterday but Cyril saw the vet and I mentioned the use of glucosamine. The vet I saw didnt know much about guineas and glucosamine so she said she'd look at literature and work out the dosage and will get back to me on Monday. For the time being hes to stay on baytril and metacam.

I did notice that Cyril had a large ring of dry smegma around his penis. I removed it and the skin underneath was a little sore. Could this have caused him pain while urinating?