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Urinary tract infection?

  • Thread starter Thread starter LyndsayRDH
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My guinea pigs have never had a urinary tract infection before. I have 2 boars. Recently, I bought some new fleece that is off white instead of tan so I am able to see where they have urinated much easier. I have noticed a few tiny spots of more brown colored drops of pee than on the rest of the fleece. Anyone with UTI experiences, is this a first sign that one of my pigs is getting one? I haven't heard any squealing while peeing. I am going to get some cranberry juice today just in case. All help appreciated.
Can you put a white towel down on top of the fleece to see what colour the pee is? I have brown fleece and it comes through lighter in colour when they pee.

I think the first signs are discoloured pee so putting a white sheet or towel down for an hour or two may tell you whats happening.

Hope they are ok. x
Ok, so I put the white towel down and they peed several times on it. They all looked like big circles with a yellowish tint. The places that were still wet were a little darker yellow with a light orange outline. What do you think?
The urine might be concentrated which makes it a darker colour if they are not drinking enough fluid. Do they drink a lot?
they may wheek while weeing if they have a UTI
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