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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 21, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

My little Bucky ended up at the vets this afternoon, as his breathing had become noisy and I just knew something wasn’t right with him! After a thorough examination the vet confirmed the sound was coming from his chest, and prescribed him a week’s worth of antibiotics: Baytril, 0.2ml twice a day. If he declines further or hasn’t improved after this course of medication, he needs to go back.

He’s had his first dose and didn’t give me any trouble with taking it. I’m going to weigh him daily, but is it worth syringe feeding him at all? He still seems to have an appetite, but should I quickly order some critical care, or supplement with some mushed pellets? :soz:

I’ve never had a sick piggy before, so I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can.
Hi everyone,

My little Bucky ended up at the vets this afternoon, as his breathing had become noisy and I just knew something wasn’t right with him! After a thorough examination the vet confirmed the sound was coming from his chest, and prescribed him a week’s worth of antibiotics: Baytril, 0.2ml twice a day. If he declines further or hasn’t improved after this course of medication, he needs to go back.

He’s had his first dose and didn’t give me any trouble with taking it. I’m going to weigh him daily, but is it worth syringe feeding him at all? He still seems to have an appetite, but should I quickly order some critical care, or supplement with some mushed pellets? :soz:

I’ve never had a sick piggy before, so I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can.


0.2 ml of baytril is less likely to wipe out the appetite compared to the much higher dosages needed for urinary tract infections. It is a myth that baytril causes total loss of appetite in every case. In the majority of case, slightly softer poos during treatment is all you will see.

Don't support feed unless needed. You monitor the hay intake by weighing first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (the piggies' obviously) for best day-to-da comparison. our normal cheap supermarket scales will do perfectly for the job. The more hay your piggy eats, the better. Any extra feed will impact on that.

You may find this guide here helpful. It explains everything around weight loss, how to monitor and when you really need to step in:

The first dosage of baytril usually goes in best. After that, the piggy knows just how foul tasting it is and becomes noticeably less cooperative. Here are our tips with pictures and videos: All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Thank you Wiebke, helpful advice as always! ❤️
I’m sorry Bucky is unwell. Hopefully he will soon be feeling much better. Keep a close eye on him. Hopefully the antibiotics will be tolerated well.
Thank you both ❤️ he’ll be getting every bit of TLC he needs. I’m just glad I listened to my gut and took him in, and I’m so thankful the vet let me get an appointment straight away too!
Hi everyone,

Bucky went back to the vets today, she can still hear some wheezing in his chest so has prescribed another week of antibiotics (Baytril again). I’ve read a few things about giving probiotics when on antibiotics but the vet has never mentioned this. Can anyone advise and let me know where I can get any?
Probiotics can be recommended to help rebalance the gut bacteria when affected by the effects of antibiotics (loss of appetite, soft poops etc).
We advise they are given 1-2 hours either before or after an antibiotic dose but never at the same time as a dose.
You can get them from pet shops or Amazon.

They can be given as well as poop soup which helps transfer bacteria directly. This is made from the just produced poops of a healthy companion.

They aren’t a medication and not all vets do mention them.

The guide below explains the different types along with further information.

I hope Bucky is ok

Thank you! So will it not do him any harm to be given a probiotic if his appetite and poops are fine?
If it makes feel better, Sir George has had antibiotics several times (UTI) and never lost his appetite or any weight. He also developed a liking for baytril. I always gave him treat after, green beans or herbs.
Thank you! So will it not do him any harm to be given a probiotic if his appetite and poops are fine?

It won’t hurt at all. I will always give my piggies on antibiotics ProC from pets at home.

Thank you, I will fetch him some probiotic tonight then hopefully!