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I took all my guineas to the pet shop, where the owner specializes in them. She seems to think that Mikaylee is getting an URI, she seems fine, but the lady said that when she listens to her breathe, there is clicking. Is this what happens in the begining? I am taking her to the vet on Fri, but would like to know more in advance, thanks!
I would have her checked out too..... The lady who specialises in Guineas has nothing to gain by telling you about a suspected URI and she is (one would like to think !) obviously knowledgeable about Guinea Pigs.

My Bumble had a clicking sound...very faint (OH insists he couldn't hear anything but I could) and he had a chest infection. Luckily in my case caught in time but I've read on here that these poor creatures can go downhill very very fast.

So for your own peace of mind I would have her checked out ....

Hoping it is a false alarm though.......
Get your piggy checked out asap - they can go downhill very very quickly but if caught in time can recover very well too. Good luck O0
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