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New Born Pup
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
So, I adopted 2 guinea pigs about a week ago, and the bedding they came with causes dust. I understand that dusty bedding is bad for guinea pigs, but I didn't want to stress them out even more by cleaning their cage and replacing their bedding in less than a week. I'm cleaning their cage later today, (It's currently 2 in the morning right now), and the new bedding we have is from Carefresh, and has no dust. The piggies have no signs of a URI, but one of them (I can't tell which one, because they usually sneeze while I'm on my bed and I can hear her) sneezes every couple of minutes. Like I said, they have no other symptoms except the constant sneezing. Their eyes aren't watery, they haven't lost any appetite, they aren't wheezing, they don't have and discharge or a stuffed nose, etc. Could it just be allergies? Like I said, the bedding will be changed as soon as I wake up, but should I still take them to the vet to make sure they're okay? I'm also a new Guinea Pig owner, so if this is something not even close serious, I'm just worried about them and I want them to be healthy and live a good life. :)
I agree, it's probably the dust. But I'm a worry pot so I would always take them to the vets just in case as URI's can develop quite quickly :)

So you haven't put the new bedding in yet?

Are they constantly sneezing or just every now and then?

So you haven't put the new bedding in yet?

Are they constantly sneezing or just every now and then?

Yeah, every now and then. Like I said, no other symptoms of a URI. I'm going to clean their cage and put in new bedding right now.