New Born Pup
My guinea pig Bean was diagnosed with a small URI a few weeks ago. It has never affected his appetite or his poops, but we noticed he was sitting puffed up often, had a little bit of crust around his eyes, and had some yellow nasal drainage. He was wheezing and clicking a little whenever we picked him up. After taking him to the vet, he’s been on 0.7mL of trimethoprim-sulfa, twice a day, for three weeks. His eyes have stopped crusting (aside from the last couple of hours before we give him another dose, it seems, but it is very much less), he has no yellow nose drainage and just a little clear spot sometimes, and he is wheezing every now and again when picked up, no clicking. I’m still a little concerned for him though as I walked by his cage the other day to see him just - very poorly. Looked panicked kind of? So I called the vet, as our current meds are running out anyway. She’s now prescribed him 0.3mL of enrofloxacin every 12 hours, and .15cc of meloxicam once a day. He is 2.5lbs, a little chunky. Is this okay? I ask because the medication delivery was delayed because the dosage that was entered was too high for the daily amount a guinea pig can even have, which leads me to believe someone may not be well versed, from what I’ve read. ):
EDIT: I’m also scared about the enfro affecting his appetite. He’s never been not willing to eat and I’m nervous because I know syringe feeding will be stressful if it needs to happen. Will the meloxicam fight the appetite suppression, I don’t know if it’s a gut stimulant at all.

EDIT: I’m also scared about the enfro affecting his appetite. He’s never been not willing to eat and I’m nervous because I know syringe feeding will be stressful if it needs to happen. Will the meloxicam fight the appetite suppression, I don’t know if it’s a gut stimulant at all.