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New Born Pup
Aug 30, 2024
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Hi everyone I’m new here!
I just need some advice, my 5 year old sow was taken to vets 3 days ago because she’d had a eye infection, which quickly turned into sneezing & popping noises as well as really heavy breathing so they gave us baytril 0.4 twice a day, Anyways.. so I took her back yesteday because I was worrying myself sick thinking she’s breathing heavier and the vet said he can’t do much more and to give her until today to see any improvements if not she needs to go back. She’s eating a little bit and I’m giving her water throufh a syringe. What else can I do? I’m so scared of losing her 😓 I have severe anxiety and she’s my whole world and my best friend. I cannot lose her 😞
I’m sorry to hear she is unwell.

It’s important you switch to emergency care - that is switching from the routine weekly weight checks to weighing her each morning and stepping in with syringe feeding her a fibre recovery feed or mushed pellets (as the emergency alternative to recovery feed).

You can’t gauge hay intake by eye and usually a poorly piggy struggling to breathe will reduce hay intake (hay making 80% of their daily food intake) - it’s essential you replace lost hay intake to ensure she doesn’t lose weight and keeps gut function.
You need to feed as much as she can take at each sitting but that can mean feeding every two hours and aiming for 60ml per day.

The guides below explain everything further
