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Urgent pls: aggressive cancer end of life.


New Born Pup
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
Please read. I need advice. Stop if you want to recommend euthanasia.
My rescue guinea pig, Skye (maybe 5yrs), suddenly was having very chappy poop this friday, as if you use rolling pin on the poop to make it flat. She was extremely lethargic on Friday evening, curled up, not wanting to eat cilantro (favorite) or her fav veggies. Freaking out at 6.30pm we rushed her to the vet. Upon examination, we found a huge hard tumor pressing against her rectum (x-ray). Vet said either an abscess or aggressive cancer. She said euthanasia as there is no treatment for that. We went home with gabapentin, because she was clearing in pain. I brought her home, and i didn't know what to do, and this vet did not give us any option, except told us don't feed her either. At 12 am, i decided to go to an emergency vet, because she seemed to be in pain and very tired. He did ultrasound, no free fluid. He did Fine needle aspiration, and confirmed it's not an abscess, ahh. It's likely an aggressive cancer. He told me to do critical care food, strong pain meds like tramadol. I came home and gave her a dose of tramadol. she seemed to slightly come out of her pain when we got home. She sniffed the hay, but didn't eat. She kept showing interest in food, but dropped it. she would not eat hay or pellets. So we gave 1 cilantro and she ate that slowly. So i thought she wants to live still.
Saturday morning: there were only 4-5 flat poops. I fed her tramadol for pain and tried cilantro and critical care (first time). My method is to follow her cues. If she takes cilantro one bite from me, i tried feeding her critical care. But the problem came when she put up a big fight with the critical care. she does not want it. She is so weak and lethargic, curled up in a ball and sleeping in a corner, but she puts a fight to not eat. the whole day yesterday i could only give her 10ml. so last evening i decided i think her body does not want any more food, it hurts to poop. i won't feed her anymore. i understand towards the end if you want natural death, you need to withdraw forced feed/water. but then later at night i saw her go to the hay box, pick a tiny hay and drop it. so I'm like ahh she is hungry, looking for food. i gave a little piece of cilantro, she took it. I thought she wants to eat but was in too much pain, so if i do pain management and feed her until she decides to stop accepting veggies, i'll do that. this morning i only saw 3 tiny thin poops, looks like a broken nail.
today morning, she surprisingly was nibbing on a vitamin c tab. i was surprised so i got one dandelion, and some critical care. barely took 1-2 ml, and ate a couple tiny strands of veggies willingly. i m so confused at this point. she shows me interest in food by going over the hay box, bowl herself, but doesn't eat it or picks up and drops it. What am i to do ? should i withdraw critical care or keep forcing it down? Why is she sitting utterly still in a puffy ball. Why is she showing interest in food, is she hungry, starving?
I m going to a 3rd exotic vet to get more pain control. she has lost 120g in 2 days. she seems puffed up, doesn't even lie down comfortably. my heart is completely broken. i know i m losing her, i don't care about myself. i just want to keep her comfortable, not hurting, and in peace. do i let her starve when she wants to eat, but won't eat hay or pellets. should i just give her veggies alone, no critical care, until the gi system shuts down? How long does it take for the organs to shut down? this is my first time. i wish i could talk to Weikbe. i read her detailed blogs on this. pls pls help me help her. we are running on a clock. i m speaking to an animal communicator also today.
Hi I am so sorry your girl is unwell I hope that Weikbe will be on here soon to offer some expert advice.
Have you read the treads rating to looking after ill guineas?
I will keep you both I'm my prayers 🙏
I’m sorry Skye is so very poorly. I think you know in your heart what you need to do. But you need time to come to terms with the hardest decision you will have to make. I have made this decision before and it never gets any easier. I’m sending you massive hugs. You have to be strong for Skye. You’ve given her an amazing life filled with love.

She is sitting in a corner puffed up because she is in pain. Losing 120g in 2 days is a lot and shows she’s not eating enough to survive. If she was taking the syringe feeding well I’d say carry on but she isn’t. Not many piggies like to be syringe fed but if they really fight the syringe it can be because their body is shutting down. I’m so sorry. I wish I could be more positive.

You say “should I let her starve when she wants to eat, but won't eat hay or pellets. should i just give her veggies alone, no critical care, until the gi system shuts down”. It can take days for this to happen and won’t be nice for her or for you to witness.

I feel your pain. I have had a piggy with a tumour so I know how it feels to know the end is near. I had made an appointment to help him over the rainbow bridge but thankfully he passed peacefully at home before his appointment.

Take care. We are all here for you. We’ve all lost piggies so completely understand what you are going through. ❤️

Hopefully you will find guidance in this guide.

So very sorry that Skye is so ill
You obviously love her deeply so you will know in your heart the right thing to do for her.
Holding you in my heart ❤️
I know she is nearing. I m stopping critical care. Should I also stop giving her couple strands of cilantro that she was eating?
I'm hoping I can share some personal experience as some years ago.. I reached a point in life I didn't want to eat. Starvation is incredibly painful, not just abdominally but being of low weight is painful for the joints, muscles etc and must be scary for an animal that doesn't understand what is going on.

Guinea pig digestive systems are different to our own, and so they also have to deal with gastric stasis (the ceasing of gut movements that enable food to pass through) which unfortunately is also very painful.

That being said, I am of the opinion of doing absolutely everything until there is nothing left except euthanasia, if the piggy wishes to carry on.

So, I would advise you ask for gut motility medications to kick start the guts again, which no doubt will have slowed or stopped without food. Emeprid, cisipride etc.
Tramadol and gabapentin are excellent painkillers but offer no anti inflammatory relief, like metacam would, I would ask to include this in your rotation of pain relief, and make sure you double check with the next vet you see that you are recieving the maximum (palliative) doses you can give of all the drugs to keep your little friend comfortable. When they are already end of life, there is no need to worry about long term organ damage so can have higher doses. There's also the possibility of ketamin, which can reset the pain receptors and give the other pain meds a chance to actually work, just something worth asking the vet about too.

Please offer a head pad like a snuggle safe, when their bodies are shutting down and/or in stasis, their body temperature drops, warming them up can assist in getting their appetite back.

One of the best things for gut stasis is fluids, you may wish to ask the vet for subcutaneous fluids to help rehydrate the gut contents which will make restarting the digestive process less painful as well. This will likely make your piggy feel better in themselves as well, as being dehydrated is not pleasant.

Lastly, and this may not actually be an option depending on the type of cancer you're dealing with. But if the issue is just that the tumour is blocking the anus, you may be able to attempt a debulking surgery to reduce the size of the tumour and make passing things more comfortable.

That being said, unfortunately even for the best exotics vets in the world, there is only so much a sick piggy can cope with, especially when it comes to cancer. I have walked several of my piggies through a natural death after a cancer diagnosis and with proper pain relief it is quite a gentle passing. If your piggy isn't peaceful and the above options are not helping or are not options suitable for your situation, as much as it hurts us, euthanasia would be the kindest. I say that as someone who sat awake all night trying to find a way to cure cancer when I recieved the news of my first cancer diagnosis in my pigs.. its a lot to accept, not being able to fix them, or make them better. So I understand how hard it is to make that decision for them.

All the best with your piggy, I'm sorry you're dealing with such an awful diagnosis.
How long until the body shuts down, if she is having minor tremors while lying down ?
We had cisapride, but we are stopping that, it pains her, because the peristaltic movements are probably crushing on the Tumor on the anus. She has no appetite. I am withdrawing critical care. She is as comfy as she possibly can. I just need to be on top of pain management. If I could I would take all her physical pain.
Is she capable of swallowing? Once that reflex has gone, that's a sure sign the body has begun to shut down and is usually a bit of a quicker process I find, but unfortunately death can happen over several days too, theres no real way of knowing as it all depends on which organs shut down first. The tremors could be the beginning of this process or a response to pain. But if theyre due to the start of the body shutting down it could be any time between tonight and the middle of the week.

That being said if you're able to get her back to a vet and add in extra pain relief (I also forgot to add that they can be prescribed paracetamol too) and she can swallow them, then as you say, that would be the best route for her. She can have the gabapentin and paracetamol, if you're prescribed it, 3xs a day which is a big help keeping pain under control as they don't have to wait the full 12-24 hours between other pain meds.
How long until the body shuts down, if she is having minor tremors while lying down ?
I don't know.
It wasn't till I came onto this forum (just recently) that I found out so many things about guineas in a critical state. I wish I'd known that earlier, when I still had guineas myself.
However, @weepweeps posted the link to the best information on the forum (or possibly anywhere) written by Wiebke. You will probably find the answer or at least an approximate answer to your questions in there.

Hugs, I know from previous experience how hard this is. We are here for you, because we've all been there with are beloved piggies.
I just want to say I am so sorry for poor Skye and you and send you a big hug. You are both in my thoughts. I wish you a lot of strenght.
Reupdate: we saw another exotic vet, and based on her recommendations started all protocols to bring her out of GI statis. that is her primary problem right now. And the vet says the underlying cause for stopping to eat was malocculsion. Apparently, the tumor is not the biggest concern right now, plus we are still waiting to confirm whether it is cancerous or not.
But for now i m doing critical care every 4 hours (9ml), pedialyte for dehydration, midazolam and gabapentin for pain, cisapride for gut motility, and then there is sulcrate and dioctyl for gas etc.
she seems to be so much more comfortable, resting, not in obvious pain. we are seeing our vet today to discuss the treatment options for malocculsion.
Good luck with all the medications. Sending Skye healing vibes.

You may need to syringe feed more often and up the amount she gets at each sitting. Weigh her every morning and if she has lost weight feed her more that day. If she is maintaining her weight feed her the same as the day before.

I’ve attached our syringe feeding guide.

Hope the meds help Skye.
Caring for a sick piggy is emotionally and physically exhausting so look after yourself as well.
Hugs 🤗