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Emergency Urgent! Need Advice! - Possible Stroke?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 11, 2014
Reaction score
Somerset, England
My guinea pig, oscar, has been acting really strangely today. It's only been since this morning but I know they hide their illnesses. This week I have exams so i've been busy studying today, but I fed the pigs as normal this morning, and oscar (who lives seperately from alfie) has been very unactive and unbalanced all day. He got out of bed this morning and only ate a few of his veggies (he had only eaten around half) and he went back to bed, about an hour ago I noticed he had not been out since so I checked on him and he stumbled his way out of his bed. He is very unbalanced and will occasionally fall down. it's 4:45 now so the vets are not open- please tell me what I should do?
Hello and welcome.

I am very sorry to hear about Oscar. He doesn't sound like a well boy at all especially if he isn't eating well.

I am concerned by the description you have given as there could be a number of things wrong with him. Two of the most serious being a stroke and / or organ failure. I'm sorry as I do not wish to scare you.

Being unbalanced could also be a sign of an inner ear infection or another neological problem.

I know that your vets are closed but can you not contact an emergency vet if only for advise? I really do not think this can wait until tomorrow and as you know, piggies can go downhill very quickly. If you phone your normal vet, the details of the emergency vet will be on their answering machine.

Please keep him warm and quiet and make sure he has his essentials such as food and water nearby.

Hopefully a more experienced member will be along soon.
Hi! Can you please ring your vet's answering machine to find out-of-hours contact details? Oscar really needs to be seen asap as an emergency.

It looks like he could have had a stroke. Keep him as quiet and comfy as you can, but also hand feed and water him to keep the guts going, little but often. our guide also contains tips on how to make hand feed with what you have at home in an emergency.
Have you looked at Oscar's poops and urine? Are they normal? As Claire W says, it could be a stroke. Are his eyes moving rapidly from side to side? If so, then yes, he's had a stroke and the only thing to do is to have him put to sleep. I am sorry if this is the case. But on a happier note, my Suzie once had a day like Oscar's. She was unsteady on her feet and didn't want to eat her veg. She just wanted to be left alone. So I let her stay in her sleeping box and put some hay and veg near enough for her to reach. The next day she was absolutely fine. Hopefully, Oscar will be the same. Best of luck.
Thank you for your replies, I fear he has had a stroke as his left eye keeps wandering to the side and then returning to the centre, I'm gonig to ring the vets in a minute. in the mean time, what else can I do for him to make him comfortable in case he has a repeat stroke and doesn't make it? my other guinea pig, alfie, lives next to him- should I move him away or is it not worth it? thank you again
Thank you for your replies, I fear he has had a stroke as his left eye keeps wandering to the side and then returning to the centre, I'm gonig to ring the vets in a minute. in the mean time, what else can I do for him to make him comfortable in case he has a repeat stroke and doesn't make it? my other guinea pig, alfie, lives next to him- should I move him away or is it not worth it? thank you again

Leave Alfie where he is; he is supporting Oscar in his own way. Keep oscar as quiet and comfy as you can. See whether he will take a bit of food/syringe feed or water.

Sadly, you can't do anything about preventing further strokes; like with humans, you can only help them get over the current one and hope for the best.

Good luck for getting vet advice. I am very sorry that it is all happening at the worst of times for you. :(
If the boys get on ok through the bars, I would leave them living next door.

If your boy has had a stroke, unfortunately there isn't much you can do other than keep him warm and comfortable.

I am so sorry you are going through this.
I was just going to say the same as Wiebke and Claire W. . So sorry that this has happened. I hope its all over soon.
Sadly piggies don't have to be very old to suffer a stroke. My boy Oboe was only 4 and a half when he had one.
I understand that Oscar is approximately twelve months old?!

While it is possible that Oscar has had a stroke, in which event there is very little that can be done (I understand that aspirin, and/or a steroid injection can be beneficial in these circumstances, but Oscar will require supportive care also), there a number of other potential causes for Oscar's symptoms! Certainly, at this moment in time, I would not be considering euthanasia - Even if Oscar has had a stroke, I understand that guinea pigs often recover from such events! Although, I understand that if a guinea pig experiences a second stroke the prognosis is not so good!

Certainly, Oscar should be examined by a veterinarian ASAP - In the mean time, it is advisable to place Oscar in a dark, quiet, and warm environment!
I don't think anyone has suggested that Oscar should be pts.

I had a piggy a few years ago who had similar symptoms although she was still eating normally but my vet wanted to see her straight away after I had phoned.

It turned out that Connie hadn't had a stroke but she had an infection which was causing her further problems. Thankfully she recovered fast after she was started on antibiotics and other medication that the vet injected in to her.

We are just stating that Oscar needs to see a vet or have a vets advise asap.
Absolutely no need to apologise - With threads like this, as several replies are posted in quick succession, it is easy to overlook replies!

Here's hoping!
Your local
My guinea pig, oscar, has been acting really strangely today. It's only been since this morning but I know they hide their illnesses. This week I have exams so i've been busy studying today, but I fed the pigs as normal this morning, and oscar (who lives seperately from alfie) has been very unactive and unbalanced all day. He got out of bed this morning and only ate a few of his veggies (he had only eaten around half) and he went back to bed, about an hour ago I noticed he had not been out since so I checked on him and he stumbled his way out of his bed. He is very unbalanced and will occasionally fall down. it's 4:45 now so the vets are not open- please tell me what I should do?[/QUOTE your local vets should have an emergency vets number on there answer machine if take him if it was my gp
Hello, thank you all for your replies. I rang the vets yesterday and they seemed sure it was more likely to be an ear infection than a stroke. My dad kindly took Oscar to the vets this morning as I had 2 exams today in school, unfortunately.
They said he had an ear infection and gave him an injection and antibiotics and removed wax from his bad ear. I have to give him the antibiotics one dose a day for 5 days and we have a follow up appointment on Saturday at 9:40 to check how he is. Does anyone know how long until his head tilt goes and he returns back to his usual self? (my dad had to go to work right after so I do not know the details of what the vet said)
Thank you again :hug:
I am sorry that Oscar has an ear infection but it is wonderful news that it is nothing more serious.

I had a gerbil once who had an ear infection. Once started on antibiotics, he was back to normal within a week but I'm not sure about guinea pigs.

I am tagging @Stewybus as I think he has been through this before.

All the best for Oscar and good luck with your exams!
Sorry I can't help with this one. I do have a piggy who had a head tilt but not a stroke x
I'm pleased to hear it wasn't a stroke! I'm sorry I can't be of any help
It's okay, I'll do a bit more research online :)
I'm glad it's nothing more serious though and it's treatable :) He seems to have perked up a lot too and he is squeaking very loudly again which makes me happy :D
Hello, thank you all for your replies. I rang the vets yesterday and they seemed sure it was more likely to be an ear infection than a stroke. My dad kindly took Oscar to the vets this morning as I had 2 exams today in school, unfortunately.
They said he had an ear infection and gave him an injection and antibiotics and removed wax from his bad ear. I have to give him the antibiotics one dose a day for 5 days and we have a follow up appointment on Saturday at 9:40 to check how he is. Does anyone know how long until his head tilt goes and he returns back to his usual self? (my dad had to go to work right after so I do not know the details of what the vet said)
Thank you again :hug:

Thank you for the update!

Hopefully, the head tilt will reduce and disappear as the infection goes down. This can take several days. A severe or untreated ear infection can leave a guinea pig with a permanent head tilt.

I am relieved that you could have Oscar seen promptly; you must be even more relieved! We can only make guesses on the basis of what you are saying; that is the limitation of the internet. None of us can replace a vet visit!

Ear infections can hit quite quickly and pretty dramatically if the balance centre in the inner ear is affected. They can kill if left too long or untreated, so it is really good that your dad took Oscar yesterday! You should have caught it early on when there is a good chance that it should heal off completely again. ;)

Could you please give a pinch of probiotic (any will do, even a pet shop one) about 1-2 hours after the antibiotic to support the guts. Especially baytril is known for being appetite dampening and it can also cause soft poos. Please weigh Oscar daily at the same time to spot any weight loss/diminished food intake quickly and can top him up with hand feed if necessary.

Contact your vet promptly if the head tilt is still there are the end of the course or if there is a deterioration.

All the best with your exams!
I am very pleased to hear that it was not a stroke. I had no idea that strokes in piggies were treatable. Just shows how the veterinary profession is advancing. Shame it didn't advance fast enough to save my boy, but then his stroke literally knocked him sideways. Best of luck with clearing up Oscar's ear infection.
Minky's head tilt was down to an ear infection which unfortunately was completely cured but 17 months later she is still with us with a slight head tilt but head female again x
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