urgent help required please

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hello, right i need some major help, i have 3 guinea pigs, suki whos 3, scooby whos 1 1/2 and tiger whos 1 1/2, theve all been getting on great playing, grunting popcorning and screaming when i open the fridge lol, alls been well untill recently, suki was the dominate guinea as he was the larger and the older when the other 2 first arrived and theve got on good, but recently scooby and suki have been fighting alot, over the past few weeks scooby has distanced himself from the others like not goining in when they play or sit together only when they eat and even then he takes some food and eats it in the corner, but tonight i had to seperate scooby from tiger and suki because he just wouldnt stop attacking suki, he was jumping on him biting his bumb, climbing on top of him, pinning him down in the corner and biting him, only when i came out he stopped but when i went back in he started again. there all about the same size now but scoobys a bit bigger now than the rest and hes become well and truly grumpy, since ive seperated him from the rest suki and tiger are happy and talking more but scooby just sits there and does nothing, he still eats but now he lets me stroke him etc where as before he wouldnt coz he was just full of energy! what should i do with them and is it ok to keep one of them seperated from the rest, theve all got on great untill now so whats up with scooby?

any help would be great and much appreciated, thanks for reading :-\

also if it helps there in a 2 level cage with suki and tiger at the bottom and scooby seperated at the top
Ive had a similar thing recently with two of my boars. I seperated mine and now have one living on his own and have got a new friend for the one that came out.

I kept my boys apart for a while and then tried putting them back together but Bodger wasnt having Jet in the cage. As I have said above Jet now has a new friend and they are fine.

I think it really depends on whether Scooby is happier on his own. Its not ideal I know but if he is okay on his own then maybe its better to leave him that way. Unless you can get them back together or get a new friend for Scooby then there are not alot of options unless you can get Scooby neutered and find hm a girl friend.

Its a hard situation to have as I know it sad seeing piggies on their own but sometimes thats the way it has to be.

Is their cage indoors or outdoors?
its outdoors fully covered under a carport at the side of the house. does having the cage outside make a difference?
Not really, I just thought that if they were indoors then it would be easier to give the single boar more attention.

Obviously its dark now but maybe try them again tomorrow. If its fine try them on the grass in a pen, can you give them time outside the hutch where they have more room to run around?

Its worth trying for a while to see if they will go back together.

It was different for me as Bodger is an indoor piggy so he still gets lots of attention and things going on around him. Jet is now outside which is why I got him a new friend.
perhaps take scooby to a rescue and see if they can match him up to a friend, otherwise depending on their ages, it could just be hormones so makeby a lost of manhood is in order :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping things sort themselves out and welcome to the forums from me and the girls from oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: good luck with your naughty boys :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
If Scooby refuses to be friends with the other two, by refuses I mean constant fights, if he draws blood it's the end of the line and they will probably never be friends. If this happens, he'll need to either: be paired up with another boar - can be a challenge as some boars are often 'up for a fight' and will never be friends. Or he could be neutered and have a female friend. Or he could live alone for the rest of his days.
The last option would really be a last resort for me, I couldn't leave a guinea on their own unless I had to, it's not fair. If he is alone, bring him inside so he gets human interaction. Guineas get depressed alone :(
right just an update, i spent virtually allday yesterday trying to see if theyd be friends again but unfortunatly they wouldnt and scooby and suki got in a big fight and suki got a nic out of his ear :'( so now there seperated suki and tiger get on even better and are actually playing and scoobys seperated up top, hes on his own but he seems abit depressed and wont do anything, he eats but thats all he does so I'm gonna leave him on his own for a week see how he does then go to the vets if he dosent improve and get his you know wats chopped off :embarassed: if he dosent gel with the group after that then ill get him a nice female guinea pig and see if hes ok then

what do you guys think?
I think youve taken the right approach, once he is neutered he will be able to have a lady friend.
It is difficult to get groups of boys to live together - how much space did they have? That's a huge deciding factor.

Just remember that neutering a pig will not affect his behaviour at all so it's unlikely to have an effect on him going back with the others. I'm sure he'd appreciate a girlfriend, though.
if there is blood, i'd seperate and tkae him along to a rescue and see if he finds a friend. They might just sort it out. My boys did and still have the odd rumble now but i leave them to it. x
i think you have made the right decision, after he is fixed a few weeks after take him to a rescue and let him pick out his girlie friend as it is important that he gets on well with her and that she likes him too. good luck and keep us posted. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
right another update, i went out to see him this morning and scooby did the usual staring at me like he was going to tear my face off >:D, but when i went out to see him this afternoon and he seemed alot happier! he was squeeking well sounded more like shouting at me when i got the lettuece out the fridge and the others were squeeking and scooby started popcorning like mad, he even stood up on his rear legs and was sniffing the air! 98) it seems like hes perked up abit now but ill keep an eye on him for the nxt week and see what hes like come the weekend, if hes still very depressed ill get him neuterd and take him down the rescue center to find a girlfriend :smitten: suki and tiger seem even better now, they climb ontop of each other and play together, they play tug of war with the cellery and they sleep cuddled up together in the hey house so I'm glad there getting on better too I'm just still worried about scooby :-\
please don't leave scooby on his own if you don't have to, poor lad. Groups of boars are often harder to keep together. Even if you have his bits chopped off it won't effect the group dynamics, they will still fight. Good luck :)
how old is scooby? how long before he'll lose his manhood? as guinea pigs do get depressed easily. perhaps bring scooby inside so he has you for company. hoping your boys settle down and scooby can get a friend soon. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
hes about a year and a half, hes been ok so far acting odd though, some days hes really happy, like exstatic pop corning all over the place, skueaking like mad and sometimes he talks back, well like grunts when i say hello or call his name, other days he just sits there depressed and does nothing, still not sure what to do, does anyone think i should get him a friend now, if i do it cant be a boar coz i imagine thell just fight, so its got to be a girl, but then ill have to get scooby neuterd coz as much as id love them i cant have little baby pigs running around lol
i would get him fixed if you think he is lonely and a few weeks after that take him to a rescue and let him pick out his girlfriend/s depending on how many you want. make sure the other two boys can't smell the females as this may cause fighting between them. so would suggest keeping them in sperate rooms. good luck with scooby. O0 sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
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