urgent guinea pig adgitated

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Jan 16, 2010
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hi well i haven't been on here a while because everything was going well until about a week a go. well one of our guinea pigs keeps chewing on the bars and i mean loads we have given him chew toys and attention but nothing worked. you see well my two guinea pigs started fighting so we tried putting wire mesh in the middle put they were really clever and kept getting to each other and fighting so we put them in different cages but he might now be missing his friend. so basically i need help. oh and we do put them together from time to time but they get all agressive again so plz help asap.:0:...
Boys! Are they male by chance?

Firstly breathe easier said than done, I know.

Was blood drawn and How old are the piggies concerned? If blood was drawn then your best leaving Separted.

You have 3 options, 2 new pigs to be friends with each of them (males you do run the risk of this happening all over again :( )

Or you could get them neutered (assuming they are male and a good age for this process).

When I was in your situation I had to rehome my baby pig, when he fellout with my adult pig, they fell out after 6 weeks. I was lucky enough that I was able to find 2 spayed girls but that is very rare as it's invasive surgery for female.

Alternatively they should be quite happy living side to side, hopefully the pig in question will get bored and stop Chewing the bars, I know I have one who chews the bars for attention?

Too help with fighting you can trying putting 2 of everything, ie food bowls, hides etc.
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can i ask how old your piggles are it might just be teenage hormones kicking in our two were awful for fighting when they were younger but they have grown outof it :) they do still have the odd disagreement over the food dish and where they sleep but nothing major hope this helps
How old are your boys and how big are their cages?

You cannot put boys back together have been fighting - they will fight again as soon as they can get at each other.

Perhaps you can talk to Becklen Guinea Pig Rescue who have a fosterer in Warrington about working out a situation that is doing your possibilities as well as your piggies' need justice.

Perhaps the best solution might be to give your problem boy into rescue where there are more possiblities of finding him a suitable friend/new situation. In turn, the rescue people can help you to find a new friend for your more laid back boar so you will have again just one pair of boars that get on.

I am very much aware that this would be a very difficult decision, but you need to think through all aspects whether you have the wherewithal to keep your two boys separated at all times and have the space to bond either with a new friend eventually. You also have think about the piggies' happiness, as they are obviously rather stressed and unhappy about your current setup.

Sadly, your problems are not unique. Fallouts with boys in the stroppy hormonal months are not rare; and in places where you can accommodate only two boars living together that can be a real headache.

Here is the link for Becklen or pm nutmeg:
well thanks for all the replys but getting more nor taking them away are not an option. its not that serious. yes they are boys and they have drawn blood but they are in seperate cages so it won't happen again. well they started fighting around hormonal stage so that was almost certainly why. i just wanted to make sure the guinea pig biting the cage bars was ok. it probably is attention they need so i will give lots>xoxo. thank you all much apreciated^):rose:)):)
So are they living side by side now? I have four boys living like this split into two pairs. For a few weeks they do seem very agitated and can be aggressive even through the bars. Once they've learned that they each have their own territory, they start getting along better, even sitting side by side through the bars.
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