urgent - fighting boars!

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Jul 21, 2011
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Just went to check on my two boars and they have had a fight, one has a bite on his rear end, and also has one on his face! the bleeding has stopped, and the injured on eating, so I'm not overally worried about him tonight.

I'm worried they might fight and make it worse though, ive put one in a hamster cage as i have nothing bigger, and everywhere is shut now! i feel so bad about putting him in their over night! :(

They were both loud teeth chattering and blowing/puffing (not sure if thats the right way to put it) at each other from a distance.

They are around four months old, so I'm thinking its hormones, or it might be due to lack of space? they have a bigger hutch on its way..

I'm worried that they wont be able to go back together, as i hate the thought of them being on their own..

Any advise would really help!

Had a rubbish day at work and now this, cant believe it :(

(sorry, there are probs loads of spelling mistakes in that)
I know on http://jackiesguineapiggies.com/Companionship.html

They made the remark

Flying at each other, they have gone into battle mode, you need to separate them immediately if not before. Much damage can be caused, blood can be drawn, so never leave them together. When the dominance behaviour gets this far and blood has been drawn, there isn't much hope of them resolving their differences.

I know that once blood is drawn there is usually a minimal chance of them being together again. Maybe once both of them have passed the hormonal stage it might be possible, but I'd be weary.
Will getting them nutered help at all? I dont know how old they should be to get it done.
I am 99% positive that I read neuturing a boar will not actually change their behavior at all.

*goes to find reference to be positive*

Got it :)

Will neutering change a boars behaviour
The simple answer is no. Unlike many other animals, neutering a guinea pig does not change their behaviour. If you have two boars that have shown aggression towards each other, neutering won't have any impact on their behaviour towards each other. Besides medical reasons, the only reason to neuter a boar is because you have females that you want your boar to live with.

Unlike many animals, neutering won't change a guinea pigs desire to show sexual behaviour. I have kept two neutered cats and both showed no sexual interest in females whatsoever. Guinea pigs however, still have the urge to romance a female and mount, but after a neutered boar has been living with the same females for a while, their desire to mount will decrease.

I remember considering doing similar when I had a surprise baby and was sad to learn it wouldn't change anything, but on the other hand a little glad since neutering them is very risky since not many vets have the proper experience for it.

Would you be able to build another suitable cage if necessary?

There is also of course the possibility of keeping them near each other in cages side by side/divided and they should get along ok :)
Ive got space for a bigger cage, but i dont think for two, as i was converting the shed for them to run around in, however that isnt massive :(
I just cant believe it, its so out of the blue
I'm sorry to hear your bots have been fighting - boars normally go through their 'hormonal/teenage' years between the age of 4-14months.

Neutering wont help the situation as all neutering does is stop their ability to reproduce - it doesn't unfortunately alter their behaviour....

In terms of what to do next - first step is to separate - which you've already done. At this stage i wouldn't be thinking about a reconciliation. Secondly i would take both boys to see a vet and have their wounds checked out - better to be safe than sorry, war wounds can become infected quickly.

My next move would be to get a separate cage/hutch asap - while the hamster cage isn't ideal, i'm sure it would be ok for 1 night - better that than to have seriously injured piggies on your hands.

Ive got 2 pairs of boys who are around 16months-2yrs old and they've been together since babies - so on the re-bonding front i can't give you any options to try - I'm sure the more experienced members will be along to offer advice.

Try not to worry - it can be distressing when things like this happen :( There is a wealth of advice and some very experienced members on this forum, so you are in good hands :) Keep us updated :)
I am selling a ferplast140 cage with stand if you are interested.
Thank you :) I have looked at the wounds, given them a quick clean, and he will be going to the vets as soon as possiable and will keep a very close eye on it. Only one has injuries.. he was the biggersmaller of the two when i first got them, but the other has over taken the other in size.. so i am hoping they are just having a bit of a power struggle.

This couldnt of happened at a worse time. :( Ive got work for the next 4 days, and there is no chance of any time off as we are so short staffed this week! My parents are on holiday for two weeks from tonight.. and I'm due to start back at college on the 22nd :(
Well it cost me £140 and I am throwing in a water bottle,food ball, hay rack. Make me an offer. :)
I'm not sure if it londons a bit far for me at the moment, i shall have to get back to you if that ok?
I dont mean to sound rude/ungrateful!

Sorry :(
Oh I'm so sorry you're having boar problems I'm having boar problems myself!

How big is their hutch? When your new hutch arrives, try giving them a bonding bath, clean all their old hutch accessories and place them in a run. If they are both loud teeth chattering/ lunging at one another you will need to separate them. Usually after blood has been drawn boars wont be friends again, but just sometimes it can work.

When the new hutch arrives can you keep them both seperatly for the time being?

Big hugs!
Think there are quite a few of us having similar boar problems!

Sorry it is a stressful time for you - I think you have hit the nail on the head when you called it a 'power struggle'. If one piggy will agree to be submissive then the pair could work but if they keep changing who is boss then bad news. My teenage boys had to be separated after blood was drawn twice and it is really hard to do:(.

Would just say from my experience, think a lot about accommodation before you leap in and buy. They might become friends again and live together in a big cage(fingers crossed) but if not, they are better side-by-side so they can talk still through mesh or similar. Some cages will not divide easily or work side-by-side with another cage. Just a thought from another boar worry slave... Lots of luck
Take your time sussing out accommodation that is flexible enough to provide you with suitable accommodation for all possibilities. Your hamster cage boy will keep for that long if you give him run time - better do it right the first time round.

Once bloody serious bites have happened the success rate for re-introductions is sadly very small. Don't try it too soon, anyway - it will end only in another fight. Make sure that the bites won't get infected; you don't want to deal with smelly abscesses on top of everything!

Sadly, neutering is not an option to keep boars together; it only removes the ability to make babies, but does NOT change the behaviour - unless you want to pair each boy with a girl.

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