Urgent - Big Fight Brewing?

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Guineapig lover

Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 5, 2016
Reaction score
My younger Guinea 'peaches' (younger, confident and a bit cocky!) has reluctantly been submissive to older (stronger, bigger,silent type) 'pebbles'. I think big trouble is brewing she is seriously squeaking, low sound grumbling/purring ). Going on all morning. Mounting and pushing pebbles around. Pebbles is retaliating and trying to do a sneaky nibble/bite of peaches ear. Stopped her twice - shall I split them now or leave? Feeling quite worried.
Split them up for a minute peaches squealing like crazy and popcorning like a nutter! Pebbles pretty calm
Leave them but monitor them.
They need to sort it out. similar to bonding. Can be terrifying to watch, and it will escalate to a point , until one submits. But keep monitoring them because if blood is drawn then you must separate. Before that, scary as it is to watch, it's normal and part of sorting out the hierarchy (which can change over time).
My younger Guinea 'peaches' (younger, confident and a bit cocky!) has reluctantly been submissive to older (stronger, bigger,silent type) 'pebbles'. I think big trouble is brewing she is seriously squeaking, low sound grumbling/purring ). Going on all morning. Mounting and pushing pebbles around. Pebbles is retaliating and trying to do a sneaky nibble/bite of peaches ear. Stopped her twice - shall I split them now or leave? Feeling quite worried.
Hi you shouldn't have stopped them fighting, they have to work things out. How long have they been together & how long have they been falling out?
Feel like a nervous wreck,might get the oven glove out! Good job I'm home today and the the new c and c cage has arrived.
I've put them back together, peaches has been causing trouble all morning. They've been together since I've got them about 5 weeks. They 'fell' out a little when I first got them as peaches thought she was the dominant one and pebbles put her in her place. Looks like peaches has decided to make her move today - don't like this at all! Good
Jobs the kids aren't home.
Wonder if it could be hormonal, my girl had that problem & now & then she'll kick off. Mine have been together a year. So long as there is no blood I'd live them if they draw blood separate them. Then you need to find them other friends. If your jumpy & stressed they will pick up on it.
Thanks everyone, I'll stop hovering like a nervous first time mum. Heard a squeal from their hidey hole and it's now settled down - too early for gin?
ROFL, if gin calms your nerves go for it!

My girls act up each time they're I'm season, so every two weeks it sounds like Predator is in our home. mostly it's rumbling and rumble-strutting, but we get the occasional lunge. This last time we even had mounting for the first time. Calms down in a day or two once they sort themselves out again.

Peaches will keep challenging pebbles until either pebbles puts her (him?) In her place, or accepts that peaches is tthe new leader. They do need to work it put between them though so best to just wait and see. Only separate if blood is drawn.
Does sound like a slightly stronger season than normal. Some of mine are absolute nightmares when in season. My oldie Moo tends to run for cover.
Slight development in the squabbling, peaches (the cheeky one) appears to either be sulking or has been thrown out of the 'shared' hidey hole. She's just sitting in the corner of the cage all alone and exposed and not moving, maybe even trying to sleep. She never does this, is this normal as well? Sorry to be so 'needy' and keep asking questions.
Slight development in the squabbling, peaches (the cheeky one) appears to either be sulking or has been thrown out of the 'shared' hidey hole. She's just sitting in the corner of the cage all alone and exposed and not moving, maybe even trying to sleep. She never does this, is this normal as well? Sorry to be so 'needy' and keep asking questions.

Does she have a separate place to sit away from the shared hidey hole? It might be she doesn't wanna sit near the older pig but has no where to sit but outside so is feeling exposed and alert. They do feel more relaxed when in covered spaces.
I would move all hidey holes with one exit until it settles down.Boxes with two holes cut in make great hideys.Good luck, hope it works out for you.
Definitely make sure there are at least 2 hideys. Piggies often want their own space and when hormones and tensions are running high this need for space becomes even more pronounced.
Things have settled down after the 12 hours of hormonal madness and they are best buds now! The only thing is that now I've put them in a two tier c and c cage. Peaches seems to have been pushed out of the main hidey hole on the ground floor and now rests upstairs in a separate hidey hole. It makes me sad to c them sleeping separately! Should I buy a bigger hidey hole for the downstairs or do u think this is how it's going to be
My 4 get on well but rarely choose to sleep together.
I make sure there is always a good choice of hideys and have at least 6 in the cage at a time.
This means the lowest ranked piggie still always has a choice of places to sleep.
My two boys were the same, they had one big fight a while ago (no blood) and now they are completely fine. I think sometimes they just need to let it all out and establish who the boss is, I suppose it's like when humans have a big argument - feelings need to be brought out into the open so everyone can move on haha. I wouldn't worry about it too much :)
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