Upset Piggy

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Jul 27, 2013
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Swansea, South Wales
I'm currently away visiting my parents and brought my four piggies (two girls, two boys, housed separately). One of the boy pigs Eddie is clearly upset that hes in different surroundings. They are in a greenhouse, draft-free with heaters keeping the temperature regular and fleeces covering the cages over 3 sides during the day and all 4 sides overnight. Eddie practically flings himself at anyone coming to feed him and appears to be losing some weight again. Hes old and not in the best of health so if anyone has any sensible advice this would be appreciated. He can't come indoors as my dad is very allergic, and it will still be unfamiliar surroundings.
When you say losing some weight, please weigh him to make sure nothing is going on illness wise, Any trend of weight loss should always be checked over.
If the temperature is ok (which it sounds like) and he is in a cage with his normal items (houses etc..) he should get over this period of spooked-ness within a day or two, keep a real close eye on him and maybe go and sit with them for a couple of hours so they know you are still around etc....
Thankyou @sport_billy - he has very gradual weight loss related to likely renal failure already. However this higher weight loss happened last month when I had to leave him with a friend for two weeks as well, which he started to put back on as soon as he was home. Hes still putting weight on from that and is now fretting again in his temporary home.
Sounds like he is very highly strung poor lad :( Try and spend some time in there with them. Hopefully he will settle. How long are you at your parents for?
Sending Eddie lots of love x
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