Upset Pig Again! Please help, advice appreciated

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Aug 11, 2007
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Hi there,

I posted a while ago about my Bungle pulling out his hair on his back and I've noticed he's been doing it again :(. I believe it's because a fly has got into his cage and stressed him out. His behaviour has totally changed, he's like a naughty kid. He now bites wires, chews everything and is a bit naughty. He is very erractic. He is always running around his cage and frantically biting on the bars to be let out. Lately he's started to make these tiny squeaks every so often. He will scratch his back with his teeth so much that he will fall over! He kicks us if we try to pick him up and he tries to avoid being held. I'm not sure what to do. As I'm typing this my boyfriend has him and feeding him a lambs leaf and he's just made that squeak again. Anyone else experience this at all?

Please help as I am really worried

Jayne x :(
Thanks so much for your fast reply. No, the little squeaks are totally different to when he wheeks. He seems to do the squeak more often. It's like a tiny high pitched but kind of quiet squeak. He has a sore back and think this fly has stressed him out. He's back in his cage now and he's butting his house like trying to tip it over. I think he must be in some kind of pain? He also seems to sit in corners when we let him out. He will be wild for a bit and then go sit in the corner looking sad.

I don't think he has mites. That's what I orginally thought myself. He also now lays/sits behind his house which he didn't do before.
Sounds to me like it could be mites/fungal skin problem...

Have you checked him over? Is the skin flakey, red? Does the hair come out if you gently pull it?

I would take him to the vets for a checkup :) O0
Yup, that really does sound like mites, poor little chap. My piggies are also scared of flies, but I don't think it's related I'm afraid.
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