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Upper Respiratory Infection

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Sep 20, 2007
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Vale of Glamorgan
posted a note about my Louis who was making this funny noise when eating...he had stopped but is now doing it again and I am wondering if it this is Upper Respiratory Infection they can get - tonight he's making this funny noise and his eyes seems much more watery and he's sneezing quite a bit tonight - I am off tomorrow so am going to get his down the vets first thing in the morning for the first available appointment - if it is this Upper Respiratory Infection can the other piggies catch it even if they just in the cages next to him? only wondering as if he does have this, should i move the cage out of the bedroom away from the other 7 we have or would they have caught it by now? thanks...
Two of my piggies died from URI, but they had lived long lives before they had gotten it. Now I think mine were caused due to the pine bedding which I was using. I'm sure it's easy to spread, but you should get him checked out now while he's still okay. Right before Max died he was making weird noises too but you could tell he was very sick, he stopped eating and drinking. Good luck :)
vets are closed for the evening, but I shall be taking him first thing in the morning. he's eating his food and drinking no probs, but I am not sure whether I should move the cage from the others?
Woodstock had a URI and got better with baytril twice a day. I caught it quite early on though. You need to have URIs treated quickly otherwise they can get hold and hang on. His hutchmate and the other guineas - I was told - weren't at risk of getting it and they didn't. So the others might be ok :)
took Louis to the vets earlier and he's fine, hasn't made any funny noises today, she said he could be shaking any infection off already, but she said to give him Baytril to make sure anything he did have is gone with this Baytril stuff. He wasn't a happy piggy as she had to take his temperature from behind, poor thing looked scared out of his witts. Anyway I'm glad he's ok :smitten:
thats good he's ok, will keep my fingers crossed he keeps it away. Poor we things when they need their temp taken. x
I think my guinea pig may have the same, shes been to the vet twice, the second time they upped her dose. Somtimes when i check her her breathing sounds like its normal other times it sounds bad again i hope this is a sign of recovery, shes still eating and drinking and the vet said i can leave her in the same hutch as toffee as honey would be happier with her mate and that if toffee was going to catch it she would of when honey did.
I hope louis is ok :) x x x
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