Upgrading from Hutch to C and C

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
East Sussex
Currently I have my four lovely boys living in a big double story hutch but in no way is this big enough for them to popcorn around in. I am trying to persuade to my mum to let me have a c and c cage and have found a decent amount of grids for roughly £20. Would a 2 x 4 on the bottom with a 2 x 2 loft on the top be adequate enough for my boys? There is room for them under the stairs up to 4 grids in length but the 2 x 6 requirement is too long.
As for bedding we are currently using straw but after one of my guineas getting poked in the eye I am looking for a new bedding to use.
I think carefresh will be too expensive and I have previously used megazorb however outside it didn't fair too well but I am willing to try it again. I would also like to consider a paper based bedding and would love it if someone could let me know about some decently priced bedding for my boys.
Along side the basics I was also wondering if anyone could give me some ideas for the boys to liven up their cage and make it more interesting for them such as homemade toys and chews.
Thanks :D
Fitch might be cheaper for you but for four boys minimum floor space is 6x2, you don't count top level.I use toilet rolls stuffed with hay, tubes of fleece with fiddlesticks bridge at the end and remember hlidey for each piggy and two waterbottles and food bowls .Mine love paper bags or boxes filled with treats and hay for them to ratch in. Plastic kids stools make good hideys.Good luck
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