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have not long got back from the rodentologist, the bad news is that bubbles is a satin :( he had not had alot to do with satins.

bubbles has had her teeth done, they weren't that bad. really it is just a matter of doing our best for her :'( i'm to phone him next week and take it from there.

i feel sad at the moment knowing the outlook doesn't look good but i do feel i have done my best. it was amazing to watch him do her teeth and i have learnt so much tonight from him.

his knowledge was fantastic and so interesting.

i suppose i now have to learn all i can about satin breads and what i can do to make her life as good as possible.

just sad as she is only 19months and my very first pig.
Awwwww Hugs

Sounds like you are doing all the right things for her already stay positive ;) ;) ;)
yep it is sad kelly but atleast i know now and can do my best for her, atleast i don't feel like i've let her down like i did when i lost munchkin and snoopy.

just have to do my best but thanxs kelly for that number, he was great.
Hi Tawny, it seems her jaw has been affected (not neccessarily her teeth) hence the inability to eat hay. Chewing hay is one of the first things my Satins with Osteodystrophy in their jaw have stopped doing, it does affect them all in different ways at different times though.

The main thing is that she is not in pain (obviously!). I use Meadow Sweet from Galens Garden (under the direction of my vet) and Rimadyl (CCT recommended dose 2x 10mg daily) when the pain gets worse. My own personal 'cut off point' is to have them put to sleep when they can no longer eat anything for themselves and supplementary syringe feeds are necessary- I don't believe in keeping an animal alive that isn't going to get better- but that is just a personal decision that I have made. It may help you to decide when the time will be that you will have her put to sleep.

To balance things out just ensure that it isn't 'just a dental problem'. I had a Satin that had a problem with her Insicors but her x-ray showed no signs of Osteodystrophy and she lived till she was five with out showing any signs. Though if I remember rightly your guinea is bunny hopping too...

She's very beautiful by the way :)
thanxs for info karen ;) bubbles is already on syringe feeding but is showing no signs of pain. obviously she hadn't been eating properly for a while so i need to build her up and see if she will start to eat of her own free will again. she does try to eat but after having her teeth all cut yesterday she is a bit sore at the moment

her teeth all seem to be in line and meet up ok. he removed fur from her mouth where she had been cleaning herself.

he has told me to give her a 4 day course of oste0care(i think that's it's name) and to be careful as you can overdose on calcium. she is to have vit c.

she didn't want to syringe feed before but tonight she willingly took 25 syringes, he recommends 30. ;) was proud of her.

I'm to ring him back wed to give him an update and he says we might have to look at vit e, which also you have to take care with as you can overdose that.

i have to get some stuff for her cheeks for soreness.

he was great and so full of information. he does have an x-ray machine if needed.

i will give bubbles every chance possible and make life as comfortable as i can, if she is in pain then i will do what is needed. karen where would i get this stuff from for pain? i will be able to tell if she's in pain won't i? would she hide the fact she was in pain?

at the moment she gives little purrs, like she knows i care.
oh wow! She's doing great :) So are you hun O0

For pain - metacam from vets :)

Some people use human medication too :)
Galens Garden has Meadow Sweet Syrup, depending on how much pain she's in this may be OK for a while. Also try grating food like apple and celery and carrot etc, mine are quite happy to eat that and to feed themselves on Critical Care from a bowl, or one of Belindas powders from Galens Garden- Vegetable Powder perhaps, mixed with water. Email [email protected] and ask her opinion on which is best.

Depending on what stage she's at the Osteocare will do little or no good. If its early stages it will do some good but I've yet to see it help in the latter stages. I don't want to dampen your spirits but would hate for you to think you are going to cure her. Go ahead and use it of course- you should do everything you can :)

I give Rimadyl for pain when the Meadow Sweet has stopped having an effect. 10mg x2 daily (CCT recommended dose), but your rodentologist will tell you this I'm sure :) Metacam is good but can make some guineas a little 'sleepy' and is not my favourite drug of choice for pain. You need this from your vet, ask your rodentologist where he gets his from and he may be able to some for you.

Vitamin C is a good one to give :)

If you can get an x-ray of her pelvis (and as much of the rest of her body as poss) and would like to donate it to our 'collection' of x-rays and results. One day if someone wants to take this any further and study it we'll have some data.

Give her pain relief and if you see a change in her (eg in the way she moves/amount she eats/way she sits) then she probably is in pain and needs some pain relief.

Satin Guinea Pigs has some experiences that people have written about when their guinea has had OD.
thanx, won't dampen my spirits, i know she's not well :'( all i wanna do now is make her comfortable and give her a fighting chance. obviously i need to sort out if this is od or her teeth or some other problem.

when i speak to the rodentologist i will mention about x-ray.

thanxs for all the advice you have been great and i really appreciate it ;)

well that's another 11 syringes down the neck and some water, time for me to have a cuppa ::) all 37 piggies fed and watered and ready for bed ;D(not)

baby still on the lose :D
o yep always time for tea. after a day at work and sorting out the lad and piggies i need one :D might be late when i get it but i get one............... ;D
Sorry silly me didn't see the new thread 98) 98)

I would take this as a positive step forward in that she's willing to be syringe fed and trying her little best, awwww what a little darling heart :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
You're so lucky to have been given all that great advice from Karen and help from the rodentologist also O0 O0 O0 O0
Good luck, and we'll be thinking of you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
had some great advice and help glynis. have spoke to vedra this morning, i had text her sat before i found out about the rodentologist and this morning she text me to phone her.

she has given me some extra info which will make things better for bubbles at this time. will be of to chemist soon to get bits, i work all day on a sunday from early till late so couldn't get all i wanted.

glad to say that bubbles has put a small amount of weight on and kept it on over night, first positive step in 3 weeks and last night she even had a small walk but then went back to bunny hopping ;D.

of work today so can give her loads of attention. :smitten:

she is now living free range in the house and has her own little house and large box, it's like having her own garden, she peaks out at us, so cute.
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